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By now I had gotten completely out of control. My relationship with my mom just kept spiraling down hill, were always fighting and throwing things, hell my mom barely lets me out the damn door without starting something. I wish she could just get out of her feelings and realize that jxmmi and swae are my friends, they care for me and buy me all types of things. Just yesterday swae brought me a new phone.

Although ever since my "special night" with jxmmi he won't leave me alone. Calling and texting me constantly like we started dating or something. Don't get me wrong I like him but damn one night and he's already pussy whipped.

"Kyrie" my mother yells


"Yes" I asked again more annoyed

"Yes mother" finally coming down the stairs once I realized she wasn't going to answer me until I came 😤

"Your little sugar daddies are outside waiting for you" she says annoyed

"Their names are swae and jxmmi" I reply harshly

" do you even know their real names cause if that is their real names they're quite weird" she replies

"Of course that's their real names, well their stage names"

"Stage names? What are they rappers?" She ask

"Yea" i reply

"When were you going to inform me on this?"

"Once you actually met them"

" whatever you say Kyrie"  a loud horn takes me out of my thoughts and I rush upstairs to get my book bag and run down the stairs and out the door. Ha like I would ever let my mom meet them. She'd kill us all.

"What's up baby" jxmmi said taking me out of my train of thought

"Oh hey" I said

"All I get is a hey ? Really now baby, after all that happened Friday night"

"What happen Friday night?" Swae ask

"Nothing" I quickly intrude before jxmmi can say anything else about that night.

"Ok" swae says obviously not believing it but thankfully not asking any further questions

"So we got some news " jxmmi says turning to face me


"Remember when I told you about LA"

"Yea" where is he going with this?

"Well Friday night when we performed their happen to be a big music producer there"

"Really what's his name?" I ask

"Mike will" swae  says

"Idk who that is but I'm happy for you, but what does any of that have to do with LA?" I reply

"You don't know A lot of things baby, but we got a call from him this morning saying how he think we could be the next big thing, and offered us 3 plane tickets and told us to book the next flight to LA"


Jxmmi chuckled at my excitement "we're excited too"

"We want you to come with us" swae says

"Come with y-y-ou to LA?" They can't be serious right now

"Yea, girl theirs only two of us and we got three plane tickets, why not come along" swae adds on

"As fun as that sounds I can't just leave to LA with you guys"

"Why not?" They both ask

"What do you mean why not, me and mom are Already falling out, she still doesn't like you guys, do you really think that she would just let me go halfway cross the country with you two? Your dreaming right now"

"Look I understand you and your mother are  going through some bs right now but this is a Life changing. Opportunity-

"Yea for you all" I cut swae off

"For all of us" he continues

"He's right, your not going to live with your mom forever might as well start building your own path to walk down" jxmmi said turning back around

They're obviously on some bs if they think im just going to leave my mom. But then again I'm going to be 18 next month, legally grown and capable of making my own decisions. Jxmmi and swae are right I should focus on starting my career and taking any chance that I can get to make it to the top, and I have a feeling that this little trip to LA is the first step.

But I just can't shake the feeling of leaving my mom at least not I this position. The whole ride to school I just kept asking myself  (should I go or should I stay?)

"Think with ya heart not ya mind, the mind can be just deceitful  as the devil" -momma

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