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the beginning of this chapter is dedicated to Kyrie's father


after a long night of pain and tears I awoke on the couch embraced in my mothers arms. We must've really had a long night I think to myself quietly trying to sneak out of my mothers embrace, " what time is it" I ask myself proceeding to look at the cable box only to see dashes. Great the cables off,  grabbing my phone off the faded burgundy coffee table I press the power button in the side "6:43 am" I don't have to be to school to 7:50 might as well get ready. Going up the stairs to my room I pick out some black sweatpants along with a white-t shirt and black jacket, if you haven't noticed I really like black and white they mix together so well and it reminds me of how beautiful humanity would be if the blacks  and whites could get along and not be so cruel to each other. "sweetheart why dont you wear that outfit your dad bought you" my mothers voice ranged through  my ears as I turned around to find her leaning on the doorway with her  hands across her chest. "I don't know mom" I say feeling the tears coming on again, an outfit was the last thing that I ever received by my dad before his passing, The outfit consisted was quite revealing must  I say, not prostitute like but just not my style

I know some of you are probably thinking ( why would a father buy his child such and outfit) but before my father died he knew that I wasn't always to happy with the way God made me, so to help me feel better he bought this outfit for me and had it shipped to our house with  a note attached. "i've probably out grown it anyway" its been years since i've even looked at that outfit i just keep as a symbol to remind myself of my fathers love for me not to be told of how big my ass looks in shorts. "it would put a smile on his face " my mother says breaking the silence, "he's already proud of me i dont need to wear a revealing outfit to prove it" i reply back a bit taken back by my mothers words, if course he's proud of me. Why wouldn't he be? "I didn't say he wasn't just hear me out on this one kyrie" my mother replied walking away.

hopping of the school bus on the way to my locker I honestly felt like Beyoncé, people were staring at me like a piece of meat. I decided to take my moms advice and wear the outfit its the least I can do since he spent almost a grand on in outfit in general, "aye kyrie looking good" the same guy who called me back out 3 weeks ago said. Oh now he knows my name I think to myself slightly rolling my eyes at all the bs the horny guys were calling out, its crazy how much attention you get when your half naked than you do when your dressed the way a girl your age should be. Putting in my locker combination I hear someone trying to get another person's attention, " hay you, little shawty, the one at her locker bent over with all that ass.........hello" turn's out that person was me, feeling a tap in my shoulder I turn around to light skin dread headed guy. "I know I ain't ya man and all but I just had to tell you that you caught my eye" he says looking me up and down biting his lip, HOLY JESUS CHRIST, SWEET BABY JESUS. A GUY ACTUALLY LIKES THE WAY I LOOK AND IS FULL ON FLIRTING WITH ME, WHAT DO I DO? DONT FAINT THAT'S WHAT YOU IDIOT, STAY CALM AND BREATHE IN AND OUT my conscience yelled at me. "tha-nk   y-o-u" I reply    "you stutter that's cute, I make you nervous or something?" He asks watching ne struggle to answer before he chuckled "it's all good mama, my names Khalif brown but people call me swae lee, correction I prefer swae lee but for you I'll make an acception. What's your name?" "kryi-e" I reply "kyrie  I like it, call me sometime" he says while gently picking up my wrist and writing his number on it and kissed my cheek. FUCK THE WHEEL JESUS TAKE ME, THE SWAE LEE JUST KISSED MY CHEEK AND GAVE NE HIS  NUMBER, AND I DIDN'T PASS OUT  YASS KYRIE YOUR TOTALLY IN THEIR I think to myself walking to first period with the biggest smile in my face.

4th period  (science)

"ok class today is review day partner up un groups of three and go over the notes we took precisely for we will be testing tomorrow and the test is 50% of your grade" Mrs Johnston says  focusing back on her work in front of her. Watching everyone partner up with their besties and boyfriends/girlfriends. I begin to take out my notes preparing to work by myself I see 2 pairs of hands land on the table " aye kyrie want to work with us" swae ask smirking along with the dark skin dread headed guy.  Not even bothering to speak considering the fact that I'm still traumatized that these two out of everyone wants to work with me  I shake my head yes watching then take their seat across from me, "hows your day so far" swae asks spinning a pencil between his fingers "I'm g-ood" "cool well you'll let us copy your notes?" Dark skin asks "go a-he-ad" i tell them watching them copy down my notes. "you stutter alot, you got a speech impairment?" Dark skin asks once again, I see he has alot of questions "no b-ut w-hat i-s your name?" I know mr. Smooth criminal over here but I don't know his partner in crimes name, "slim jxmmi and according to my brother your kyrie" he replies looking up to meet my gaze on him. Brother? Well that's makes since they do look a like just different shades if color "y-es that's me" "kyrie, I ain't never heard of a name like that before I like It its unique like you" he says  smirking at me.

ok he's sweet and all but now I know he's just trying to get in my pants he dont even know me and he calling me unique as if we've been friends since pre-k, but ill let it slide since this is the first time that I actually have had conversation with someone. "again about yesterday in really sorry I never intended for that ball to hit you I was just playing around untill I realized that I hit you" jxmmi said massaging my hand, "you hit her with a damn ball" asked swae looking at his brother as if he had 3 heads, "It was an accident" he says"yea fucking right look, you got to excuse my brother, he seriously can sometimes be a dumb ass" swae says. "bab-y" I said when the hell did I become his baby? This is seriously all to much for one day "yea you can be my baby" swae said staring into my eyes along with his brother who was still massage my hand, " mr.Aaquil and khalif brown i surely hope that your actually working and not just flirting with kyrie over there" Mrs.Johnston  says while pushing her glasses up to make her point clear. "we certainly are Mrs.Johnston only thing going on over here is some hard core studying" jxmmi says returning to his work along with swae.

*after school*

thank God himself today's Friday, finally I can sleep in and enjoy myself. Walking home i noticed a fresh black Audi following me, that's a nice car and everything but I don't know who they are picking up the speed I begin running the car is now going faster to keep up with me, right when I was about to cross the street the car does a mighty dangerous u-turn and stops dead in front of me. My mind is racing, should I run, scream, run and scream, or surrender?  The window rolls down and out pops swaes head, "damn kyrie you put them legs to work when your scared" he laughs dapping up jxmmi "you guys were following me how else was so to react?" I reply a bit shaky still frighten from the earlier events. "woah you just said a full sentence without stuttering, but we were following you to ask you if you wanted  a ride home" jxmmi says still laughing, holy fuck I did just talk to them without stuttering.  My moms the only person i can do that with and teachers of course but boys? Wow this is a new level for me. "get in" I hop in give directions to my house, pulling in the driveway a little embarrassed that I don't live in the best condition, I gratefully thank them before getting out. "text me baby" swae calls out to me before I go in my house. Closing the door smiling like an idiot my mother began to scold me,

"who were they" she ask

"two new guys i met at school" i reply

"i don't like them" she says while stating intensely out the window

"you dont know them"

"i don't need to know them to know they're up to no good" she says

"mom are you ok" i ask getting very worried, this morning she was just telling me how I should embrace my beauty now she's all in my case about guys she doesn't even know.

"stay away from them kyrie" she says walking away from me

I swear I hate my life sometimes, laying on my bed I received a text message

*hay want to go to the mall tomorrow, this is swae by the way*

wow this embarrassing the hottest guy in school is asking me to go to the mall with him and here I have to tell him that I don't have any money

* I would but......i don't have any money* I reply, god kill me now this is so embarrassing

*😂 kyrie when I asked if you wanted to go to the mall I meant go to the mall and have me pay for you" he replied

well that backfired on me, he wants to pay for me?

*you dont have to do that*

*nah its good I want to* he says

*ok I'll go" I say knowing damn good and well my mom wont approve

"that a girl, pick you up at noon"

"ok" I reply

today swae and jxmmi actually made me feel special, like I wasn't a total disgrace to the human race. That I kyrie Johnson could actually make friends and for once not be counted out.

"know that your beautiful sweety because God created you in his image and if he thought you were ugly he would have erased you and started over again" -Daddy

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