Namaarie Melloneamin (Goodbye My Friends)

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Recap In Lothlórien -

**** Morning ****

We, Lady Galadriel, Dwalin, Ori, Kili, and I arrived at where we first met her. The Dwarves were leaving this morn. She was giving out gifts. They already had clothes, food. Some weapons. The necessities.

"For you Kili, I give the finest make of Lothlórien bows. May the arrows never run out."

"Ori, may you write and draw the finest of adventures." She handed him a book with a charcoal pencil and quill. "These will never dull nor run out." She gestured to the pencil and quill.

"Dwalin, I gift to you, this rare Elven axe and sword."

"May your journey be safe and successful." She spoke

"Goodbye Dwalin, Ori, Kili I hope to see you again." I smiled and waved as they left

"Thanks for helping us miss Evelyn" Ori spoke

"Your welcome Ori." I laughed

They then left my eyesight, around a corner.
'I wonder what will become of them?'

"Time will tell, Evelyn. Time will tell." She smiled at me.

So, it turns out that Lady Galadriel called upon Gwaihir Lord of the Great Eagles to fly the Dwarves to the Mountain to meet the others, I assume. How I found out? I heard two Eagles above me, and also saw them above the trees - just barely catching glimpses. The circled for a little while before taking off towards the North-East.
"Good luck, my friends. I hope we meet again.." I whispered.
"You may Evelyn, you may. The future is never certain." Galadriel said. "Now come, let me give you a tour of Lorien, although not much has changed."
So began my new life in Lothlórien... 'this is going to be strange..'


* ' things in italics are thoughts. 'Yah should know the drill by now, right?'


*With Dwalin, Kili, and Ori*

"Didn't like flying the first time. Now we have to do it again?" Dwalin said gruffly.

"Relax Dwalin, we'll be landing soon. Just hang on to the Key." Kili replied

"I agree with Dwalin, i'm not that fond of heights..." Ori spoke

"We'll be at the mountain in another thirty or so minutes you three, calm down. Just enjoy the view." An unknown voice spoke.

It took awhile for the Dwarves to figure out that it was Gwaihir speaking. The Eagle carrying Kili and Ori.

"I didn't know Eagles could speak." Kili said looking at Gwaihir.

"Only Great Eagles, Master Dwarf."

"I've heard tales of your kind, 'The Eagles of Manwë.' You dwell in an aerie, correct? In the Misty Mountains." Dwalin asked.

"Yes, me and my brother, Landroval." Gwaihir motioned to the Eagle flying next to him. "Live there now, for many a year."

"Gandalf summoned you with that butterfly, didn't he?" Ori asked. (If you look closely it was a butterfly not a moth..this time.)

"Yes, Ori he did. Gandalf does in time of need. As does Lady Galadriel and Radagast the Brown."

"How do you know my name?"

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