Chapter 1

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Darkness, the thing that all children seem to dread, and now it's all I can see. I can't even see my hands as I reach out in front of my face. I desperately swing my arms around hoping to touch anything, just to get a feeling of where I am.
I reach down and feel a cold metal floor with square holes and I loop my fingers in the grid flooring as I try to scramble to my feet. Only to stumble back onto my knees, my head is screaming with pain. I begin to feel my heart race as I come face to face with reality, who am I?

My head begins to spin as I try to find any memory, of who I am, or who I was. I feel my memories slip away as I try to desperately cling to them. Friends, family, I can see figures recognize situations but the faces begin to fade along with names and backgrounds.

Reality comes back into view once I'm thrown backwards into the wall behind me. I stand, only to be knocked down again by the floor shaking once more. I begin to crawl around, the metal floor stabbing my knees and hands leaving a grid pattern. My hands and knees scream but I have to know where I am.

I feel four walls all with the same metal pattern, A box? I thought to myself. I then hear a scream of pulleys and gears grinding against each other, I cover my ears to try and lessen the sound. It then comes into focus that I am moving upwards at an alarming rate, and I conclude I'm in an elevator of some sort. I stable myself by putting my hands on either side of the metal walls and slowly stand up, then extend my arm upwards to find the exact same grid walling except there appears to be a line down the centre of the ceiling, cutting it in half.

They're doors

In an effort to escape I push upwards with all my might, the doors do not budge one inch. I feel my chest tighten as the panic takes its toll. I begin to scream pushing up with every once of strength left in me. "HELP ME!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!" I scream hoping to hear any sort of response... Silence. I scream until my lungs hurt and my throat is raw.

"calm down, calm.... Down." I whisper to myself trying to retain from panicking, I realize it only makes the situation worse. My body screams with  exhaustion so I slump against the wall and burry my head into my hands.

My name... What is my name? My mind frantically searches for the answer, but only finds empty caverns in return. Come on.... Me, think! I squeeze my eyes shut and try to focus on the first thing that pops into my head.

Nothing, not a god damn thing!

Anything! First letter, vowels, anything, anything! My head screams with pain I never how bad my headache was until now, my ears start ringing and I feel my head spin. No! I have to find out my name! I focus on the first letter, it feels as though it's just within reach but something stands in my way, like one way glass, so close .... But so far.

Red? All I can think is red.... No... Not red it can't be red it- All of the sudden I hear a soft voice echo in my ear, krimsun.. It was definitely a female, sounded about in her 30s and her voice was shaky and familiar, it sent shivers up my spine, I knew that voice, I know it did, but I can't remember were, or put a name to a face. Krimsun, what did she mean by that? Questions swarmed my skull, like gnats buzzing in my ear.

"CRIMSON!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, my voice scratchy, and my throat screamed with pain, my throat still raw from earlier. Crimson! I thought to myself THAT'S my name!

A wave of relief washed over me, only to be thrown away once I hear the ear splitting metal against metal shriek of the gears, the elevator comes to a sharp stop, that sends me flying across the box, slamming into to other wall. Pain explodes in my head as I reach for my throbbing skull, I realize that i have short hair, just past my ears and shaggy, I'm a girl right? Yes definitely!

A red light snaps me back into reality and I squint for a few seconds until my eyes adjust, I then finally get a good look at my clothes. I'm wearing blue jeans, black combat boots, navy blue tank top with a black leather jacket. I study my body for a few moments, before getting interrupted by the doors at the top of the box opening, revealing a blinding light. My eyes sting and I use my fore arm to cover my eyes, my head screams from the drastic change of lighting.

The first thing I notice is the smells, memories flood back of green pastures and midnight walks in the bush, I inhale and smell the sweet crops and flowers along with the bitter smell of mud and animals. A Farm, but why would I be sent to a farm in a big scary metal box? I also smelt, grass, trees, and even the distant smells of fresh cooked bacon.

I snap out of thought once I head a variety of gasps and chatter, I look up through the gaping hole in the ceiling to see a ocean of boys between the ages of 12-20 standing above me, around the box, all different shapes, sizes, races not one looking the slightest bit like the others. My first thought was that I had to escape and run, but the walls of the box were to high to climb out of by myself. All of the sudden a tall blonde Teenage boy looks about 17, is lowered into the box by a vine rope, I back up immediately stunned by this daring boy, I could be a murderer for all I know! I don't even know who I am.

The boy was quite tall, and was wearing a beige shirt and cargo pants, his blonde shaggy hair fell into his chocolate brown eyes, but he ran his hands through his hair before saying,

"Rise and shine greenie, welcome to the glade." His voice laced with a strong English accent, " do you have a name?"


What do think of Property of W.I.C.K.E.D so far? Let me know in the comments!
Still in major editing!
I hope you enjoyed my first chapter, I hope to be coming out with more soon!
Thank you!

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