Chapter 24

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A/N: I am sooooooo sorry if I kept anyone waiting!!! I have no excuse, I'm just bad. So thank you all so much for putting up with me, I love you all!!

Crimson's POV

I felt my stomach fill with warmth and excitement as I pictured running with Minho in the maze, getting to spend all day with him, being able to be worry free because I know he'll be safe with me. (Because let's be real, I think I proved yesterday that he's dead meat without me!)

Minho and I walk hand in hand down the stairs of the Homestead, we see Newt's face light up as he locked eyes with me. "Well looks like you shuckfaces have finally made up huh?" He smiled, I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked, Minho looked over at me and smirks back, pecking me on the cheek.

"Does that answer your question?" Minho beams, I laugh and elbow him in the gut. Newt smiles and I see Chuck come running toward us.

"Guys! There's a mandatory meeting right now! Crimson you gotta come too!" He huffs, his face was beat red and his eyes just as bright as always, Minho, Newt and I walk past him, I rustle his curly brown locks as I walk past him.

"Good to be back, eh Minho?" I sigh as I look toward him, he chuckles and squeezes my hand, I interlock my fingers with his, and squeeze back.

"You could shucking say that again, and again and again, it would never get old." He giggles, I scoff and chuckle giving him a playful shove.

"You're such a drama queen." I say as Newt, Minho and I enter the meeting.

"Actually Imma sass queen/diva/lover of Crimson/ leader of all things fabulous/ destroyer of Gally's crazy eyebrows." He whispers in my ear as we sit down near the front of the room. Other Gladers and keepers are talking and take their seats.

"You notice them too?! It looks like they're gonna fly off his head!" I smile as I lean into Minho resting my head on his shoulder. He explodes into a bag of giggles, I elbow him and try to calm him down but he can't stop laughing, I put my hand over him mouth but it doesn't lessen the noise, the only thing that finally shuts him up is when Newt stands up at the front of the room and starts the meeting.


I'm really really sorry it took soooo long, and it's super duper short. I just really needed to get an update out there for you guys! Please don't be mad at me.... Look! Here's a picture you might enjoy!

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Love ya shanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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