Chapter 15

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Newt quickly caught up to me, and I slowed my pace so he could walk comfortably beside me. "What the bloody hell do you mean?" He asked his voice was concerned and almost scared. "You do realize that Minho is a sass talking hot-head right?!" He looked right into my eyes, which made me melt inside.

"Yes, but does it look like I care about him right now?" I gestured toward myself and felt a smirk appear on my face. Newt giggled and shook his head. All of the sudden I heard a earth shattering shriek. I knew who it was as soon as I heard it.


"THOMAS?!" I shouted as I sprinted toward the sound, I didn't realize that Newt and I had made it out of the deadheads and into the glade until I turned around and saw how far away we were from the shriek. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me. I only got about half way when I saw Thomas sprint into the open glade, followed by Ben. Oh no! I thought to myself, I felt the panic rise as I ran at the sick boy. But before I could reach Ben, he lunged for Thomas and bit Tomas hard on the arm. I could help but stare at the grotesque green, purple skin of Ben. I felt bile lace my throat as I saw Newt grab a shovel. He ran over the Ben and hit his hard over the head. Ben crumbled to the ground and didn't move. Thomas scrambled to his feet and walked over to me, his eyes filled with fear and pain.

"Why does everything keep happening to us?" He whispered. I looked down at him and placed my arm around his shoulder.

"I don't shucking know, but we're going to figure it out, I promise." I whispered back. "Now go find Chuck, Newt and I will meet you two for lunch, but we'll be a bit late.... Taking care of things." I felt a smile form across my face as Thomas nodded and walked away. Jeff and Clint rushed over and began tying Ben to a makeshift stretcher, then carried him off. Alby walked over and started talking with the Med-jacks, I took this opportunity to slip away with Newt by my side. We saw Minho walk into the map room with a boy I didn't recognize, and a horribly-brilliant idea popped into my head. I grabbed Newt wrist and pointed over towards the map room.

"What?" He whispered.

"Minho's afraid of the dark right? And the map room is a stone building with little to no windows.... I think you can connect the dots from here." I smirked and let go of Newt's wrist. He smiled and nodded. We took our positions, me right beside the door and while Newt began blocking the windows. Once most of the runner left it was only Minho and the one glader we walked in with. Newt smiled at me, as he entered the map room, I heard some mumbling and the boy I didn't know walked out of the map room, leaving Newt and Minho in there by themselves. I felt excitement crawl and naw at my stomach. I gave a slight knock on the stone wall signalling to Newt that it was time. I saw Newt rush out of the map room, and I sprung into action slamming the door behind him and locking Minho inside the pitch black stone box. I heard him scream as I locked the door by placing a large wooden branch through the handle locking it from the out side. Minho began pounding against the door, screaming:

"YOU SLINTHEAD! LET ME OUT OR ILL BREAK IT DOWN!" I could hear the fear in his voice but I didn't care. I covered my mouth smothering a giggle, and Looked over at Newt who was on the ground laughing. "NEWT! I SWEAR IF I EVER GET OUT OF HERE!" He screamed again, this time the fear in his voice was distinct and I almost felt bad... Almost. This went on for about 10 minutes before Minho finally sat down and shut up. I nodded at Newt and hide around the back side of the building. I heard Newt unlock the door and it swung open with great force. "NEWT!" I heard Minho shout.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Newt's scream was so high pitched and he sounded like a five year old as I heard the him hobble away from Minho. I peeked around the side of the wall, but only saw Newt running and Minho was no where to be found. I fully emerged from my hiding spot and began to scan the glade.

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