Chapter 20

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I just started at the ground, the place where Minho once stood. But now he was running through the maze with Alby! Chasing after some dead griever that probably isn't even dead! Ever heard of sleeping?! I thought to myself.

"Then why did Minho come sprinting out of the maze, if it was sleeping? He sounded pretty spooked." I heard Thomas argue from behind me, I spin around to meet his gaze and stare at him with a puzzled look.

"I don't think I said that out loud..." I furrowed my eyebrows and scanned his face, it went bright red with embarrassment, and I softened my expression.

"Have you been hearing a girls voice in your head recently?" He asked, looking down at his feet.

"Uh, yea actually yesterday, at the meeting she kept telling me to keep you safe, or something..." I started biting the inside of my bottom lip, as I returned my gaze to the maze, it's doors were wide open revealing the stone ivy covered walls. The floor seemed to glisten in the sun, as if it were covered with slime, but after seeing the grievers I'm not surprised. Those balls of flesh where oozing with pus and goop, and I was looking through a dirty window! I don't even want to know what they look like up close!

"You saw a griever too?" Thomas questioned. My eyebrows shot up, I knew I didn't say that out loud. I spun around and lunged at Thomas tackling him to the ground, I placed my fore arm on his throat and stared into his eyes, a scowl appeared on my face.

"Stop doing that!" I spat, I then realized what I just did and pushed off Thomas, he scrambled away from me then finally rose to his feet.

"What? Stop doing what?" He hissed back, rubbing his throat.

"I don't know! Reading my mind! Answering the questions I don't ask out loud!" I got to my feet and ran my hands through my short hair.

"Well, I can hear you!" He shouted furrowing his eyebrows at me. I scowled back at him and then glanced at the maze again. Wanting with all of my heart for Minho to come running around the corner and take me in his arms.

It was as though a wall had been broken down as I heard Thomas' voice echo through my head. It's not my fault you suck at not hitting me! I quickly turned to look back at Thomas who was staring right at me, but his lips weren't moving. I knitted my eyebrows together and stared back at him.

"Slim it shuckface!" I hissed at him, his face hardened and he shut his eyes, his voice screaming in my brain.

Make me! His screeched, I grabbed my ears and glared at him.

"STOP IT!" I ordered, he continued screaming in my brain.

Hmmm NO! This is what you get for hurting my beautiful face!

I dropped my hands from my ears and tilted my head slightly. "Really? Don't flatter yourself greenie." I smirked at him as I crossed my arms. He scowled back then his face softened and he crossed his arms, mimicking me. He stuck his bottom lip out, and started pouting.

"Shut up! I'm not the greenie anymore!" He whined, I almost let out chuckle but I quickly pushed the urge away. All of the sudden I heard a familiar females voice in my head. The one from the meeting.

Focus Crimson! I'm going to wake up soon, and I can already feel my memories fading so pay attention! I know how to get out of the maze! You, Thomas and I all worked with them, we did this!! You have to stop them! You triggered the end, this is all because of you!

Them? I thought to myself, I was about to open my mouth to speak but I heard the girl say something that sent chills up my spine.

The maze is a code, Crimson. The maze is a code!

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