Chapter 17

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I felt all the colour drain from my face as I stop walking pulling back on Minho's arm. He turned around and I saw the rage in his eyes, I looked into them and his expression softened. "What do you mean Newt did it?!" I knitted my eyebrows and used a cold harsh tone.

"I don't know! But as soon as I told him about 'us' and that if I do the dare you'll go out with me, he got really mad and the next thing I knew I was tied to a chair!" His nostrils flare as he spoke, and I could see the muscles in his arms tighten as he clenched his hands into fist, his knuckles turning white from squeezing too hard.

"Are you sure it was him? It doesn't seem like he would do something like that." I placed my hand on his clenched fist and he relaxed them, I intertwined my fingers with his and looked into his eyes.

"Then who was it?" He spat scanning the glade furiously. I placed my hand on the side of his face and turned it so he would look at me.

"Listen dingle-dork! We have to go about this quietly! We don't want to just go up and yell at Newt and make scene." My voice was calm and controlled. "What if he didn't do it? Then you just yelled at one of the most loved people in the glade! You'll look like a total shuckface." I smiled at him, he flashed my his classic smirk that made me bubble inside.


I squeezed his hand slightly and we walked into back into the gathering. Minho made eye contact with Newt, and it just went downhill from there. He broke free of my grasp and sprinted towards Newt tackling him to the ground, punching him furiously. I heard Newt scream something I'm not aloud to repeat and I knew he was in pain. I sprang onto Minho and pulled him off of Newt for the second time that day. Minho started struggling but I somehow managed to pull him back as Alby helped up Newt. I let go of Minho and turned him around, I saw the rage in his eyes and I felt a scowl form on my face, matching his.

"What part of don't make a scene, don't you understand, slinthead?!" I shout-whispered at him. I saw Alby strut over to us, uh oh. I thought to myself as Alby began to yell so  ferociously that I could barley recognize a word that came out of his shuck face. Then Alby hissed something that I couldn't ignore.

"Crimson! I've decided that you haven't been the one screwing up, so I've rethought your slammer sentence, and decided you spend one night in the slammer tonight, then your free to go." He then gestured toward Minho and continued, "This slinthead on the other hand, will be in there until further notice! Only coming out to run the shuck maze, cuz it's the only thing we need ya for!" Minho's expression hardened and he opened him mouth to shout something probably sassy, but I interrupted him before he could screw this up more.

"What Minho here was going to say, was that he wasn't in the meeting today because I found him tied up in the map room, with some shank guarding him, and Minho had a weird suspicion it was Newt... So he karate chopped his head."

Alby puffed his chest and let out a pathetic excuse for a a chuckle as he looked over at Newt, who had taken quite a beating. "Alright, that settles it then, until we figure out what happened, Minho's in the pit until we need him, and Crimson you gotta spend one night with Gally." He flashed me a smile. "Deal?" He looked around the room and then walked out leaving Minho, Newt and I along with many other keepers alone. One of Ben's screams pierced through the air.

"Oh yea, what are we gonna do about Ben?" I asked while I walk towards Newt and wiped some blood from his face.

"We're banishing him, tonight." His eyes were cold and full of pain, I felt my smile drop into a frown as I backed away from Newt. Banish him? Those words kept swimming around in my head.

"What?! Why?" I looked right right into Newt's eyes, I felt Minho's stare and he came up behind me and placed his hands on my hip trying to pull me further from Newt, but I swatted his hand and gave him a cold scowl. I looked back at Newt and softened my expression, flashing him a slight smile. "Why would they banish Ben?"

"Alby decided the shank was too bloody dangerous, and the med jacks said he's not taking the changing well, so we're gonna send him off." Newt's voice was filled with pain and he winced as the older boy rubbed his cheek where Minho had punched him. "And looks like we gotta do it now. The doors are closing soon." Newt, Minho and I walked out of the homestead and saw that many Gladers had already formed a circle around the stone doors. Some had torches and I saw many Gladers passing out long sticks with a large vertical slab of wood tied to the end, to all the keepers. I watched Alby walk over and he grabbed a long wooden pole with a large leather loop at the end of it. Newt grabbed a pole from one of the Gladers I didn't recognize and all of the keepers got into a square formation. Alby, Newt and Zart separated and I saw Minho holding onto the sickened boy. His arms were bound behind his back, and the sores on his skin were larger than before and were oozing with disgusting black pus. I felt bile line my throat as Ben thrashed and screamed trying to break from Minho's grip. Minho pushed Ben into the middle of the square, and the sick boy was now surrounded by the keepers. Alby, Newt and Zart walked back into position and closed off the gap completely trapping the boy in between the glade and the maze.

The doors wailed and the gears started working together trying to get the gigantic stone walls to move. The doors were closing. Alby started to shout commands and the keepers lowered their sticks, Alby quickly hooked the leather loop around the sickened boys neck and as he started to pull back the loop tightened. The more he struggled the more the loop closed. He began squirming frantically and screaming, spit flying left and right as he was pushed back by Alby, the keepers moved forward with their sticks pushing Ben towards the maze. Ben started scanning the crowd for an signs of mercy, screaming people's names, but all he received was stone cold looks and lowered heads. The doors were closing fast, so the group picked up the pace, pushing Ben with more force. He let out a blood curdling screech and started to resist, but the group was too strong for him, and pushed him closer and closer to the maze. The doors were only inches apart and I could see the pain in Bens eyes as he every bit of hope was ripped from his face. With one final push Ben was inside the maze and Alby quickly released the leather loop from the pole and pulled it back towards him. Ben screamed as the doors shut completely. And I closed my eyes turning away from the horrible scene. And as the group starts to walk away with heads held low, I could swear on my life that I heard Ben's piercing scream echo through the ivy covered maze walls.

I'm so sorry, it's so short but I tried my best.. Not to mention I've done no editing what so ever on this chapter, so it's probably filled with errors. Thanks for reading!!
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