Chapter 7

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Minho grabbed my hand with his right, and grabbed Newt's hand with his left and dragged us towards the homestead, the sky darken even more casting a dark shadow, lights flicked on inside the wooden building. We burst into the homestead and Minho pulled us up a few flights of stairs. With Newt and I still in hand, he walked down a long hallway stopping at the door at the end of the hall. "This is it!" He let go of our hands before continuing, "every keeper sleeps up here. And i am the keeper of the runners!"

"Runners? What's a runner?" I asked, even though I had no idea what it was, I knew I wanted to be one.

"A runner is someone who goes into the maze, and maps it out, they are the only ones aloud in the maze." Newt spoke with monotone in his voice, like he's said that over a hundred times, well he probably has.

I focused my attention on the door Minho had dragged us to, I opened the door hesitantly I step inside, Minho and newt following behind me. The room had a single window on the wall opposite of me, and three sleeping bags, one under the window, and the other two were spread out across the room one on each wall, except for the wall where the door was of corse. I noticed a sheet hanging from the ceiling, hung over a long branch. I walked over and pulled it across the branch, as it stretched across the whole distance of the wooden pole, it split the room in a smaller section. "That's there so you can get changed in peace and stuff like that... Hope it's ok." Newt was blushing uncontrollably.

"It's great guys, thank you." I smiled at both boys. I pulled the sheet back again and sat on the sleeping bag that sat behind the curtain. Something didn't feel right... I don't know was it is, but I don't like how my sleeping bag is behind the sheet, it made me feel lonely. I stood up and dragged my sleeping bag over towards Minho's, and placed it right beside his, then walked over to Newt's and dragged it over beside mine. "There, perfect!" I smiled.

Newt looked at me with a confused expression. "Uhhhh why?" He raised and eyebrow at me and smiled with a kind and reassuring look.

"Ummmm, because I hate being blocked off from you guys,you're my only real friends here, along with Chuck of corse. Don't get me wrong, I will use the curtain to change, but for now I need you two for protection. I've had about four bad experiences with Gally, and I've been here for one day!" I felt a smirk crawl into my face. "Plus I'm not gonna lie, Ben is freaking me out."

And right on cue, an other bone chilling shriek shot through the air, I felt my body shake and I dropped to the floor once more, landing on the sleeping bags. I sat cross legged on Minho's sleeping bag, and leaned my back against the wall. Both boys ran over and were sitting on either sides of me. Before I could say a word I felt Minho's arms wrap around me, I fell into him too exhausted to even care if I was being to touchy. I laid my head on his shoulder and squeezed my eyes shut hoping to drown out Ben's scream with my own thoughts. More screams cut through the air, then another. I closed my eyes, but all I could see was his skin, and the pain in his face. My eyes shot open, and I focused on Minho's breathing, in and out, It's was steady and it calmed me for some reason. Unlike Gally, Minho smelled great, the perfect mixture of dirt, and natural musk. The screams grew louder and I burrowed into Minho even more, trying to escape the noise, I covered my ears. Tears rolled onto my cheeks, I tried to push them away but it was too late, they flooded my face and dripped onto my shirt. I felt so bad for a boy I didn't even know. It was as though I knew what he was going through, but how could I? He was stung by a greiver, I don't even know what a greiver is!

The screams finally stopped and I sat up and wiped the tears off my face. I looked over at Newt, his eyes were filled with just as much pain as mine. "Newt are you ok?" With out any warning he stood up and sprinted out of the room. "Good talk." I mumbled.

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