Chapter 6

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"That sucks." I stood up and faced Gally, his nose was definitely broken and was surrounded by a ring of purple and blue bruises. His eyes were infected with rage, and a sneer was plastered to his face revealing his yellow teeth. God, you're ugly.

"Are you SERIOUSLY humouring me right now?" He moved closer, his face only inches from mine.

"Ummmm I think so?!" I Looked right into his eyes, "And if I were you, I'd back the hell up! Have we forgotten our last meetings?!" I shouted at him this time, I tried my best to seem intimidating, but I could barley breathe because of Gally's horrible stench.

"YOU SHOULD SHUT YOU'RE MOUTH GREENIE! The ONLY reason I let you do that was because your a girl!" Spit flew from his mouth landing once again on my cheek.

I took a deep breath calming the growing pit of rage in my stomach. Just as I was about to let him have it, but I heard several foot steps behind me.

"Is there a problem here Gal pal?" Minho. I felt a smile creep onto my face. I turned to see Newt and Minho standing behind me, Newt placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. A wave of relief washed over my body. I turned my attention back to Gally, and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think so.... Unless you want one Gally? But for your sake, I suggest you say no." The sass in my voice was as strong as ever. Minho placed his hand on my back and made a shooing motion towards Gally.

"Bye! bye!" Minho's voice was high and childish. I let out a small chuckle and gave a small wave of my own.  "Toodles!" This was Minho again, I couldn't handle it, and I burst out laughing. I covered my mouth to try to lessen the sound, but it did absolutely nothing. Gally's face was red with hatred.

"Better watch yourself greenie! Because next time, I'll bring some friends too!"

"Yea, yea shut your hole Gally!" I hissed at him. Minho and Newt both started to laugh. I felt my stomach fill with a warm bubbly feeling, that rose until my face gleamed with joy. A smile formed on my face and I felt the happiest I've been since I got here.

"Wait until Alby hears about this!" And with that Gally stomped off toward the homestead, disappearing into the building.

I turned and faced Newt and Minho, who were still laughing. "Thanks boys, job well done! So? How was the meeting?" Newt's eyes shot open and a brief flash of panic flickered in his expression. "Don't worry I already know it was about me." I looked over to Minho who normally had the same look of sass with a hint of boredom, but for some reason was already looking at me, but when we locked eyes, his eyes darted down to his feet. Was he staring at me? I felt my face blush uncontrollably.

"We just decided that you can't sleep outside with most of the other shanks so you're gonna be bunkin' with Minho and I in the homestead." Both Minho and newt started to blush uncontrollably. Seriously? Pull yourselves together men! Although it was kinda cute that they were so nervous.

"Wait what about Chuck?" I asked trying to change the subject so the boys wouldn't feel so nervous.

"He'll be snoozin' with the other shuck faces outside." Minho who has been quiet through this conversation, spoke looking my right in my eyes.I looked away being careful not to draw a lot of attention to myself. Just as I was about to ask where Chuck was, an other scream pierced through the air. The sound echoed through the glade bouncing off the huge stone walls. I jumped a little, and the image of the boy popped into my head again. My stomach felt wheezy and churned at the sound. I felt my knees weaken under my weight and I sat down on the ground cross legged.

"OKAY?! Who is that?!" My voice was firm and shaky.

" that's Ben... He got stung a couple days ago." Minho said as he sat down next to me, followed by Newt on my right. All of the sudden the ground began to shake. A deep rumbling sound emerged from all around us. I covered my ears and turned my head to see the huge walls moving.

"Woah woah... What?!" I was shouting but no one could hear me because of the grinding metal. The sound didn't stop until the huge ivy covered walls were fully closed, the thick stone pegs interlocking with the holes on the wall opposite. I let my hands drop from my head and land in my lap. "Well that's new...." I was almost too stunned to speak. A small chuckle escaped both boys. "Oh you think that's funny huh?" I spat at them.

"Yea... I do crumbs, gotta problem?" Minho teased a smile spread across his face. I stood up trying to be intimidating, but as Minho did the same. He towered over me, he must of been about 6'4, I saw Newt stand too also way taller than me. I lunged at Minho tackling him to ground, I started laughing, and put him in a headlock while at the same time wrapping my legs around his torso immobilizing his arms, forcing them to his sides. He struggled pushing against my legs with his arms but I squeezed harder. I felt Newt walk over around where my head was. Uh oh... I felt him start tickling under my arms and my stomach, I fought against the urge to let go but I was laughing to hard, and my grip loosened around Minho's waist and neck, and he broke free. Minho quickly spun around and started tickling me as well. I started kicking and flailing my arms trying to get them to stop. Newt grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head. My stomach started to ache and tears fell onto my cheeks from laughing too hard.

"Had enough yet, greenie?" Newt snickered

"Yea! Admit we're the best, AND that Crumbs is a good nickname and we'll let you go!" Minho was now sitting on top of me, straddling me so that I couldn't use my legs. He continued to tickle me until my cheeks were soaked in tears,

"Ok ok! Crumbs is.... A good nickname!" I was tired from laughing, but I couldn't stop. Minho didn't stop, a smile was plastered to his face.


"You and Newt are the best!"

"That's more like it!" Minho stopped tickling me, and stood up, then as soon as Newt released my arms. I jumped to my feet and punched Minho hard in the arm. "Owwwwww!" He whined.

"That's what you get you shank!" They both burst out in laughter. "What?" I raised an eyebrow at the two laughing boys.

"It's always so bloody funny when greenies try to use glade slang!" Newt chuckled.

"Ha ha so funny!" Sarcasm was infused into my voice. The sky darkened and a blanket of stars covered the glade. I yawned and exhaustion spread throughout my body, my limbs felt heavy and my eyes began to feel heavier by the second."Alright! Im going to bed, now are you guys gonna show me where?"

Sorry it's so short.

Still in major editing

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