Chapter 5

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Newt was sitting across from me, beside Chuck, and I was sitting on the opposite side of the table with Minho. I just stared at newt, waiting for a response. "So? What did you want to ask me?"

"What happened with Gally?" Newt looked me right in the eyes when he said this, letting me know how serious he was about this. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it quickly, giving myself a chance to think about what I would say. In the end I just told him everything, I told him about the prank, about him yelling at Chuck, and about how I mangled his face..... Twice now, in one day. Heh... My bad. I told him everything right up to when I opened the door to the homestead,

"And that's everything?" Minho asked, adding extra emphasis to the word "everything." I nodded, and flashed them a quick smile.

"Now what about when you blacked out?" Chuck added, speaking up for the first time in a while, it was weird not hearing his high voice in my ear at all times.

"I honestly have no idea, the only thing I remember, is feeling like something horrible was about to happen..." I looked down sheepishly, "and when I was sleeping I saw the words WICKED IS GOOD over and over in big black lettering." I left out the part about the boy purposely. Newt looked at me, he squinted.

"Well, better get you back to the medjacks, and Minho and I have to go back to the homestead and pick up the meeting where we last left off, I'll see you later greenie." He smiled as he got up and began walking over towards Alby. Minho stood up, and leaned in towards my face, his mouth just inches away from my ear, I felt his warm breath on my neck, sending shivers up my spine. He placed his hand on the small of my back and whispered,

"I'll see ya later crumbs, and take cara' Chuck will ya? Guys had a rough past few days. Oh... And don't worry, I'll get Newt to join our squeak squad!" And with that he walked away towards Newt and ,Alby. I walked him strut away with just as much attitude as normal. A small smile formed on my face as I watched him walk over to Newt, whispering something into his ear, Newt's expression flashed with annoyance as he shouted.

"NO! IM NOT JOINING YOUR BLOODY SQUAD!" Minho doubled over in laughter, Alby slapped him in the back of the head. Minho stood up quickly and turned around facing Newt and Alby who were standing beside each other. Minho automatically assumed it was Newt who hit him, his hands balled into fists and without hesitating he slugged Newt in the gut. Newt stumbled backwards a few steps, before jumping at Minho, tackling him to the ground. I let out a overly loud and obnoxious chuckle that sounded like a goose honk, but I couldn't help myself, watching them wrestle like five year old boys was quite entertaining indeed. I look down at my feet covering my mouth with my hand trying to muffle the laughter. When I look back up Alby is yanking Minho off Newt and is holding both boys by the collars, one in each hand. Minho tries to fight against Alby but his grip doesn't loosen. Minho kicked towards Newt, missing entirely,  letting his foot hit the ground with a thump.  Watching Minho and Alby interact was either like watching a defiant teenager argue with his parents, or it was like watching a toddler bug and whine until he got sent to the corner.

I think I'm gonna like it here. I thought laughing to myself. Chuck walked over to me, pulling at my sleeve, snapping me out of my train of thought. "Hey, I want you to meet someone." 

I followed him towards the kitchen, I saw the same dark-skinned boy who gave me my sandwiches cleaning the appliances and ordering other "Gladers" around, he wore a apron and and a white stained shirt and black pants underneath. He turned around and smiled when he saw us.

"Well, well, look who we got here, the sandwich hater! Why'd you waste a perfectly good sandwich on a slinthead like Gally?" His deep voice echoed through the the air, you could tell he did a lot of yelling on a daily basis.

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