Chapter 19

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I snap back into consciousness and feel, the warm rays of sun on my face, I sit up and wince at the pain shooting through my neck, I rub the back of my neck as I stand up and turn to see Gally still sleeping, sprawled across the bed on his back, with his mouth wide open. I feel a smirk form on my face as I chuckle to myself. I look down at the end of his bed, and see a small blanket. I pick it up and swing down hard smacking Gally in the face with it. He starts coughing and shoots up in bed pulling the blanket off of his face. He looks over at me and furrowed his eyes brows flashing me a sneer. I look to left, right and behind me while shrugging my shoulders giving him and obvious ' it wasn't me!' Look.

"I don't know, someone's throwing stuff..." I mumble sarcastically. He rolls him eyes and let out a dramatic sigh as he flops back down on the bed. "Oh come on, Capt." I giggle, kicking his bed slightly. I suddenly hear a familiar voice and snap my head towards the cell door.

"Sleep well?" Newt chuckled as he unlocked the door. I instantly sprung out of cell and rushed toward him, I wrapped my arms around him giving him a big bear hug. He chuckled and hugged back, I didn't know what had come over me, but I hated being in the pit that's all I knew for sure. "Did you miss me?" He laughed as I break from his grasp. I chuckled and gave him a slight nod.

"Then you must be dying to see me!"

My heart jumps when I heard Minho's voice, I search frantically for him and spot him jogging toward us. I start to sprint toward him, I meet him half way and jump into him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He smiles and I give him a quick kiss. "Yeah that's about right." He chuckles, I break from him and turn my head trying to get a quick look at the time, on his electric watch, that all the runners get. He see what I'm looking at and checks himself.

"You gotta go, Minho!" I turn him around and start ushering him toward the maze.

"What about you?!" He argues, pushing against me, I push harder.

"I'll be here with Newt, don't worry about it!"

He turns so abruptly that I stumble into him. He quickly cupped my face with his hands and kisses me passionately, my eyes shoot wide open, but I then close them and kiss back. I feel Newt's presence behind me and push away from him.

"I'll be back right after dinner, meet me at the camp fire!" And with that, he jogged off toward the small group of runners that had gathered near the North entrance of the maze. I bit my lip and turn around to find Newt standing right behind me crossing his arms, he had a huge grin on his face and was raising his eyebrow at me.

"Wipe that grin off your face, you slinthead!" I slap his arm slightly and start walking toward the homestead.

"You bloody love him, don't ya shank?" He giggles as he struggles to catch up to me, I slow my pace so he could walk comfortably beside me.

"Your lucky, I don't hit the crippled Newt! If I were you, I'd slim it!" I hiss at him as we approach The homestead, the smell of bacon floated in the air and it made my stomach gurgle and turn. Newt and I snuck over sleeping boys and made our to our room. "How's the girl doing Newt?"
I push open the door to our room and sit down on my sleeping area, he does the same.

"Still in a coma, the Medjack are feedin' her soup every once and a while, but that's really it."

"That sucks..." I mumble.

He took off his sweater and lied down on his back. He was wearing a beige tank top, and the leather sling that held his machete that was normally constantly on him was lying on the floor next to his sweater. I smirk and lunge over him snatching his sling, I stand up and swing it over my shoulder like he does, so it's sitting on my right shoulder and crosses my body. I start strutting around the room and turn on my heel. I see Newt prop himself on his elbow and smile at me. His eyes follow me as I walk around the room.

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