Chapter 22

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I felt the hot sun on my face, wind rustled leaves in the trees and the grass of the glade tickled my bare arms. And to think that only hours before I was scared for my life, running from shucking grievers. I heard Newt mumble something under his breath, I peeked one eye open and saw he was staring at me.

"What you looking at shank?" I chuckled sitting up to face the older boy. I saw his eyes dart toward Minho then back to me, I turned my head to see Minho's face was beat red, and it looked like he was going to explode at any second. He walked over and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my feet. And started dragging me away, his fingers digging into the scars I got from the beetle blade, Pain shot trough my already sore arms and I felt rage fill my gut. I pulled from Minho's grasp and he almost stopped walking immediately. He turned around and I noticed how glassy his eyes were, he was on the verge of tears.

"WHAT?!" He spit at me, I furrowed my eyebrows and placed my hands on my hips. Staring right into his eyes I spoke with sass and anger.

"What the shuck is wrong with you?! All I was doing was lying on the grass and YOU were the one who freaked out and pulled me away, and not to mention you dug your sweaty sausage links into my cuts!" I hissed, staring directly into Minho's eyes, I saw rage build inside him and I braced myself for a storm of sass.

"Do you even understand what is happening?! What you did to me when you locked yourself in the maze?! I thought you were gonna die Crimson! I thought you were gonna shucking die! And it would be my fault!" He screamed, he scratched the back of his neck and started pacing back and forth. I could see his muscles tensing through his shirt, and I winced, knowing this was just the beginning.

"I'm sorry the last time I check, my actions are my own AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO RUN THEM BY YOU FIRST MINHO!" I ended up yelling at him by the end of my argument, rage had boiled inside me, and began spilling out. Scolding people with my blazing hot anger, leaving a wake of pain and shock behind me. I looked back up a Minho who had was staring at me, his eyes burrowing holes into me.

"SLIM IT AND LISTEN! YOU ARE NEVER STEPPING FOOT NEAR THAT MAZE EVER AGIAN! And if you do, there will be serious shucking consequences!"

I scoffed at his ridiculous command and crossed my arms, putting all my weight onto my left foot so my hip stuck out on that side, leaning on my left leg. "Yeah good luck with that one! I'm becoming a runner wether you like it or not!" I looked up to see him stop pacing and stare at me. He relaxed his shoulder in defeat and sighed.

"I just I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, and it's too dangerous." He whined softly, walking slowly towards me. He placed him hands on my hips but I pushed off him.

"Stop. You know I can handle myself out there, not to mention I saved your butt!" I turned my head to the left slightly and stared at the ground. "I know that your worried about me, but this is something I have to do and if it means not being with you, I'm willing to take that chance." And with that I walked away from Minho.

I felt a pit fill my stomach as I strut away from the my old friend. I shot a glance back at Minho, and saw him wiping his face, was he crying? I thought to myself as I walked back over to Newt, Thomas and chuck who were still sitting by the entrance of the maze.

Guilt seemed to overwhelm me as I sat back down beside Newt, who was staring at me with wide eyes. I looked back at him and knitted my eyebrows together.
"What you looking at shank?" I asked with a calm and controlled tone, despite the rush of emotions I felt stirring inside me. Newt just kept staring at me, then back over to Minho who was now sitting down with his knees pulled to his chest, his head buried in his arms. I could see his back rising up and down erratically, he was crying.

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