Chapter 23

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A/N: For this chapter, I've decided to shake things up, and try something new. This chapter, will be from the point of view of Minho. If you want me to continue doing this comment below plz plz plz!! Love ya shanks! X
~ __Dark_Star__
Ps. This next chapter takes place while Crimson is sleeping in the homestead, so we're back tracking a little in time... And now that your all caught up: enjoy! X


Minho's POV

"What the shuck have I done?!" I mumbled to myself, as I stormed into the deadheads wiping the tears from my face. All sadness had drained from my stomach only to be replaced with regret and anger. It began filling my brain with swirling images of Crimson, her short, blonde hair, and how she would run her fingers through it whenever it fell into her icy blue eyes. I felt my stomach bubble when I thought of her smile, and her adorable laugh that she hates, but I love. And how her nose scrunches up when she giggles, and when she smiles so big that her cheeks would hide her eyes.

I felt my heart sink as I remember how hurt she looked when I yelled at her... I really really like her, I knew the moment I saw her and she smiled at me, right when she came out of the box, and I never stopped thinking about her.

I tore through the deadheads, the leaves and twigs crunching and snapping under my feet, I could hear Newt jogging behind me but I quickened my pace so I wouldn't have to listen to him nag me. God, he always acted like everyone's shucking parent, always nagging me to drink water, and eat healthier, blah, blah, blah! I'm a grown shucking man, I don't need advice from a twig with a limp. Although, he is my BFF...

I saw a low tree branch a couple meters ahead and I sprinted to it. I scrambled up the tree, until I was about 10 feet off the ground. I casually slumped onto a sturdy looking branch, just as I saw Newt standing right below me crossing his arms and glaring right up at me. "Come down Minho!" He ordered from below.

"Hmmmm.... NOPE! NOT GONNA HAPPEN SLINTHEAD!" I sassed back.

"Don't make me come up there and get you!"

"Shut up MOM!"

"Oh reaaallll bloody mature shuckface! Just come down and talk to me!"

"I think I'll pass on that!" I hissed back, crossing my arms mockingly, as I pushed my bottom lip out, and started pouting.

"If you don't come down I'll tell everyone that you sleep with the light on!"

I gasped dramatically and I felt my stomach drop into my feet. "YOU WOULDN'T!!" I challenged.

"Try me!"

I reluctantly climbed down from the tree and once I got to the ground I started walking away in frustration.

"What the bloody hell was that back there?!" He grabbed my shoulder and I stopped walking and turned around to face him. I saw the concern in his eyes, and he raised an eyebrow at me. Uh oh... The eyebrow raise... He means business! Hmmm better drag this out for as long as possible.

"Nothing." I mumbled looking at the forest floor. I dragged my right foot back and forth in the leaves and dirt, like a five year old child.

"MINHO! I'm not here to play bloody games!! What happened out there?!!" He looked straight into my eyes and I broke. The sadness overwhelmed me and I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to the ground slouching against a tree, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head into my hands. I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing the tears away, I felt Newt sit down beside me. "What happened?" He said calmly.

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