Chapter 16

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The moment I walk into the homestead I hear Minho's steps right behind me. I quickly shove the rest of his sandwich in my mouth and turn around to face him. "CRIMSON!" He shouts before kissing me ever so slightly on my cheek. "Ha! I knew that would work!" He chuckles as he turns and struts toward the campfire. I felt my face blush uncontrollably and a smile creeped arose my face from ear to ear. Dudes got game. I think to myself, chuckling as I walk up the stairs toward my room. I was hoping to catch a few winks of sleep before the meeting that was bound to happen soon. I walked past the med-jacks room and noticed the one of the doors was ajar. I looked through the small crack in the door. I saw the greenie, and Thomas. Thomas was sitting just looking at the new chick. I pushed through the door, entering the room.

"Thomas? What're you doing here?" I looked at the boy with a confused look, as I crossed my arms.

".... I know her...." He mumbled as he looked up at me nervously. "Gally knows it, Ben knew it."

"Woah, woah, woah. What?" I lowered my eyebrows and step towards him. "What do mean Ben and Gally know? What happened Thomas?!" I raised my voice and masked my confused look with a mask of annoyance.

"When I was in the forest, Ben said that he knew me.... And Gally said the same kind of thing when we were fighting earlier." He looked down into his lap and whispered when he talked.

"Ok, well you have to tell me these things! I'm going to go talk to Newt and I'll be back later ok?" I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Thomas nodded and I walked out of the room, leaving the two greenies behind.

I made my way down the stairs of the homestead and saw Chuck sitting with some Gladers I didn't recognize. I smiled at him and called him over. He smiled back and broke from his group of friends. We began to walk out of the wooden building and toward our usual grass spot. We sit down side by side cross legged and stare towards the open doors of the glade. "What'd you wanna talk to me about?" Chuck smiled as he lied down on his back. Looking up to the deep blue sky.

"You have to swear on your life, not yo tell anyone! Not even Newt, I don't know how he'll react yet." I whispered the last part about Newt, and Chuck sat up and faced me, cocking his head to the one side slightly.

"I'm listening." He pulled a smile over his face and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ok, Minho said he loved me." I looked at Chuck hesitantly for fear of his reaction. His face lite up with excitement then dropped dramatically to a concerned stare.

"Oh no! ...newt..." He whispered Newt's name and I got scared as he shot to his feet and I tried to lock eyes with him but he wouldn't look at me.

"WHAT ABOUT NEWT?! Chuck you can't tell him!!!" I whisper-shouted as I pulled a death stare onto my face.

"But!.... Fiiiiinee!" He sat back down in defeat, I smiled as I lied down on my back and covered my eyes with my forearm protecting them from the blazing sun. "But what about Minho? Newt is his best friend. He's probably going to tell him everything!" I immediately shot up and a pit of despair boiled in my stomach. It wasn't that I didn't want him to know, it's that I wanted him to find out the right way, when it was official. Plus I was scared he might be upset or something.

"We gotta find Minho!" My eyes were shot open and my voice was shaky and desperate.

Chuck and I ran around the glade for about 15 minutes searching left and right for Minho, but couldn't find him anywhere. We came across Alby who was still sweaty from his fill in job of being a runner. He smiled at us and nodded towards Chuck who smiled and ran over to him, I followed close behind.

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