Chapter 13

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My mind began to race as I realized that Minho was right, Thomas lost the fight, Gally got the final punch. Well, I got the final knockout but I said that Thomas would win, and he totally got his but kicked.

"Nu huh!" I whined while pushing Minho away. I stood up and faced Minho who was giggling and trying to muffle his smile with his hand. He reached out to touch my belly button but I slapped his away gave him the death stare. "Don't you dare!"

"But I won! Thomas lost!!!" Minho whined and crossed his arms. He looked like a five year old boy throwing a hissy fit.

"No, I won!" I crossed my arms, matching Minho's scowl with one of my own. "Oh and before I forget..." I step towards him, his face only inches from mine. I took my pointer finger and poked him in the cheek. "YOU'RE IT!" I started giggling uncontrollably as I sprinted toward the door, jumping over Gally's bed and out of the room. I felt my heart race as I heard Minho laughing behind me. I rushed down the stairs and bolted out of the homestead. I started sprinting as fast as I could away from the wooden building. I made my way towards the forest, or the deadheads, and disappeared into the bush.

I knew Minho would catch up with me soon so I looked for a hiding spot, I searched frantically but with no such luck. I heard Minho's foot steps behind me and I began to sprint as fast as my legs could carry me, my lungs burned and my legs ached. I felt Minho right on my heels and I spotted a low hanging branch only a few yards away. I made one last attempt to lose the runner, I bolted towards the branch. Minho, was right behind me and I lunged toward the branch, my momentum swung me forward and I pulled my chest close to the branch, I swung my legs around. To my surprise I had managed to swing my self up and onto this branch and I was now crouching above the unsuspecting Minho. He was just as surprised as I was, his head searched left and right frantically, I saw my opportunity and jump down from the branch, sprinting back in the direction I came. I heard him cuss and start sprinting after me once again. A smile spread across my face as I ran into the open glade.

I looked over towards the gardens and sprinted into the corn field taking cover in the long stalks. I ran through the rows of corn for about two minutes before I found a perfect sized nook, for me to take cover in between one of the rows. I dissolved into the green leaves of the corn stalks and sat silent and still. I heard shuffling and I froze, I saw Minho jog right past me I didn't dare to breath I knew he was too alert for me to even risk it. I waited for about 1 minute before I emerged from my hiding spot. I sighed and relaxed my shoulders.

"Loser..." I mumbled chuckling to myself.

"I'm sorry what was that?" My heart froze and I slowly turned around to see Minho standing right behind me, his arms were crossed and his buff biceps were flexed, his veins popping out of his arms. His usual smirk was spread across his face. Before I could react he sprang into action, he lunged forward and his pointer finger landed right in my belly button, my stomach dropped into my feet as I felt all the colour drain into my face. Bile laced my throat and my mouth started to salivate, I swallowed in hopes to keep myself from vomiting. I clutched my stomach with my right hand. Before I could stop myself I felt my fist swing at Minho, making contact with his jaw. I saw his neck snap back as he stumbled backward. My jaw dropped as I realize what had just done, guilt filled my heart and I ran to Minho pulling him in close, I wrapped my arms around him and felt my eyes tear up but I pushed them away.

"I'm so sorry Minho, I'm so so sorry!" I whispered, fear laced my voice. I felt his arms drape over my shoulders pulling my closer, he squeezed me tight and started to giggle uncontrollably. "Why the shuck are you laughing? I just punched you in the face!" I shouted at him, my shaky tone was now infected with confusion.

He placed his chin on my head and I felt his smile widen. "Because you are the toughest, funniest, person I've ever met." I felt my face blush uncontrollably, as smile spread across my face. "Plus, you punch harder than Gally." I let out a soft chuckle and stepped away from Minho.

I looked down at my feet and closed my eyes, "I have to go.... I'm sorry, but I can't hurt you anymore." And with that i pushed away from him and sprinted toward the homestead. I spotted Newt talking to Zart and ran over to him. "Newt, I gotta talk to you when you gotta minute." Zart looked at me and smiled at Newt, then turned and walked away.

"Yea? What's up?" Newt turned to look at me, his face lit up with kindness and curiosity.

"Ok so I've punched Gally multiple times, I even knocked him out today, and I hurt Minho in too many ways, and I'm sick of it! I'm telling you right now because I'm tired of getting away with it!" I felt my anger almost melt away as I spoke, Newt's face flashed with confusion.

"Hold on, you knocked out Gally?"

"Yup, and I just accidentally punched Minho in the face..." My voice was low and sheepish. Newt just smiled at me and draped his long arm over my shoulder.

"You're right, you should be punished, but how bout we give ya one more chance?" I open my mouth, to disagree, when all of the sudden I heard foot steps behind us, and felt Minho's arms wrap around my waist pulling me away from Newt.

"You're it!" He whispered into my ear as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"You're an ass!" I hiss back at him. Pushing him off me. I turned and faced Minho, my eye darting to the mark I left only minutes before.

"I think this is turning a abusive relationship Crumbs." Minho smirked. I smiled back and fiddled with my sleeves.

"Well maybe you should think twice, before you touch my belly button!" I spat at him, my voice laced with sass. I raised an eyebrow at him and began to strut away making sure to sway my hips slightly, just to show him how sassy I am. I saw him smiled through my peripheral vision. I began to walk towards the homestead because I noticed that lunch had begun. But before I could make it there I heard foot steps behind me, I saw both Newt and Minho come and walk along beside me. We must've looked so fierce walking in line like that, I felt a smile form across my face as I remembered Chuck, I missed having him around. I don't even know what his job is... I'll have to ask him later.

Just as we got in line for lunch, I heard a deathly familiar sound Pierce through the air. It was the alarm, the greenie alarm. "SHUCK!" I shouted as Minho, Newt and I sprint over to the box, along with multiple other gladers. The boys crowd around the box, even Thomas had shown up. Newt and I took positions on either side of the metal grate and we both pull. My bad arm screamed with pain but managed to lift the heavy steel door. Newt jumped into the box, a few moments pass and the Gladers start to get antsy. They began to spit questions at Newt,

"What do you see?"

"Hurry Newt!"

"Come onnnn!"

"I'm hungry!"

"This is wrong, three greenies in three days?"

"It's actually only been two and half days."



Newt quickly hushed the gladers and looked up towards me, our eyes lock and I could see the fear in them. His face was pale and colourless. "It's a girl, and I think she's dead." His voice was shaky and full of panic. I felt my stomach drop as I climb down into the box. I saw a small pale girl about my age with long jet black hair and was wearing white pants and a blue sweater. Her features were small and delicate, like she could break at any moment, I immediately pushed on her neck slightly with my two fingers checking for a pulse but didn't feel anything. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I heard many gladers gasp and begin to whisper. Newt hushed them again and I noticed that she was grasping something in her hand. I pried open her fingers and saw a small piece of paper. I looked at Newt nervously and slowly open up the paper. I took a deep breath and read the note aloud.

She's the last one ever.


Still in major editing

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