Chapter 2

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"C.. Crimson" I stuttered. I then realized that the boys above me were making comments amongst themselves.
"A girl?"
"Woah really?!"
" is she hot?!"
" DIBS!"
" damn it!"

I felt my face heat up with rage, were they really only concerned if I was hot or not?!
For all they know I could be a murderer! Or a puppy killer.... *shiver*. It was insulting to hear such comments. Before I knew what had happened I felt the British boys hands on the small of my back, I jumped a little. I slapped his hand away, " and you are?"

" oh sorry if I frighten you, names Newt." He flashed me a smile revealing  pearly white teeth. The look was kind, reassuring almost.

" Newt? Your name is Newt?" I made sure to lace my voice with sarcasm and sass.

" wha?! Your name is Crimson!" A brief flash of anger washed over him. only to be replaced by his kind smirk that seems to be permanently plastered to his face.

" got me there." I admitted in defeat. A chuckle escaped both of us, for a brief moment I forgot we surrounded by a wave of hormones and acne. " alright, before we all start freaking out, can someone PLEASE get me out?!" I asked with a very aggravated tone.

" yea, yea of course, Winston! Lower the vine!" Newt ordered, and a greasy boy with a huge nose followed orders. Winston, I made note of that name to make sure I remember later. A long green vine with a loop tied in the end was lowered into the box, with slight hesitation I slipped my foot in the loop and hung onto the rope with my hands.

" you got it?" Newt asked obviously concerned, he placed his hand on the small of my back once again trying to reassure me? I guess?

" uh yea I think so!" I hissed while slapping his hand away from my back. Then 4 boys line up ready to pull me out. All boys holding onto the vine, they counted down from three pulling me up with great force, they obviously thought I was heavier, because the boys on the end stumbled backward when I came flying up and out of the box. My back hit the ground with a loud thump and the air was knocked from my chest. I rolled onto my stomach, then to my knees and stayed there for a second or two,  just to catch my breath.

I slowly make my way to my feet, I realized that I was taller than half the boys. A few of them stood back obviously just as surprised as I was. I must have been 5'10 or 5'11 maybe even 6 foot at the most. Newt emerges up from the box and stands behind me placing a hand on my shoulder.

" alrite shanks I understand that this be a weird and sudden change in our greenie schedule, but if I see any of you bloody slintheads lay a finger on Crimson here, I will do everything in my power to get your sorry shuck face thrown off the bloody cliff!"

The crowd of boys grew silent, like they've just been scolded by their mother... Hey! Maybe newt is the mother of the group.... No! That's dumb... FOCUS CRIMSON! I warn myself to stay alert. I couldn't let my guard down.

" OUTTA MY WAY SHANKS!" A deep voice bellowed, the crowd split like the Red Sea, and I see a tall, muscular black man wearing a white shirt and cargo pants walk to the centre of the crowd straight across from me and Newt. He looks me up and down for several minutes until finally saying, " You're a girl..." He seemed uneasy like he could explode at any second.

"No, really?!" I spat at him. "Name's Crimson..... And you are?" The older man looked appalled by my comment, his face then suddenly went cold and his brown eyes became impossible to read.

" well, well aren't you a klunk talkin' shuck face! What do you say boys?.... Wanna feed her to the grievers as a offering?" He hissed "maybe it'll teach her some manners!"

Grievers? What the hell are grievers? Thousands of sassy remarks filled my throbbing head, but I decide I've cause enough damage for one day. "I doubt that." I spat back. "You never answered my question!" I hissed, my voice laced with sass and annoyance.

"My name is Alby, and I'm the leader here little lady."

My heart dropped to my feet, oops... OF COURSE! The one dude I piss off is the freaking leader! GREAT! Just PEACHY! I felt all colour drain from my face as I nervously fiddled with my sleeves. Just as I felt all hope was lost for me ever even seeing tomorrow sunrise, I heard Newts voice from behind me,

" hey, ease up a bit alby, she's been though a lot, matter a' fact we've ALL been through some bloody hard klunk lately, so if you please cut the greenie some slack, that'd be just bloody peachy!" He hissed at Alby with the perfect mixture of sass and sweetness.

The crowd erupted with different voices and opinions, some siding with ably others with Newt, most asking why I was even here.

" what if we just throw her in the maze?"
" whys she even here? Do you think the creators sent her as a breeder?"
" I volunteer as tribute!"
" shut your mouth!" This was Alby.
" yea! She's probably here to mess us all up!"
" SHUT UP GALLY! NO ONE LIKES YOU!" I chuckled and flashed a smile in the direction of the boy who yelled that last comment, he was a tall Asian boy, wearing a blue t-shirt and leather backpack, shorts, with spiky hair and seemed to be very buff , we locked eyes for a second, he smiled at me before going over to the boy he yelled at, Gally I think he said, and hit the back of Gally's head with his palm. I decided right there that I would refer to him as " gel" because of his ridiculous head of hair that looked like it's been spiked up with hair gel. 

I chuckled to myself at my stupid nickname for gel. Newt noticed and squeezed my shoulder. " whatchu thinkin' bout greenie?"

" nothing." I completely forgot about the comments about being a breeder until now, I felt my face burn with rage as I walk up to what I believed to be Gally, the boy Gel yelled at earlier.  My hands balled into fists until my knuckles turned white, as I strutted over to Gally my ears were burning.

"EXCUSE ME?! I am NOT here to be taken advantage of! And as for you and your loser buddies, SHUT THE HECK UP IF YOU KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU! And just to make sure you don't get any ideas, I would rather jump off a cliff than be anywhere close to you! So excuse me, but I have better things to do than talk to you and your Neanderthal friends! Goodbye Gally!"
And with that I strutted over to Newt, look him right in his chocolate brown eyes and said, "what the hell is this place?"

What do you think about Gally? I'm really curious if any of you cool cats really like him, and if you do I'll try to be nicer! ; ) let me know!

Still in major editing

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