Chapter 14

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She's that last one? What's that supposed to mean? I looked at Newt who's eyes were filled with fear and shock. "Where's Minho?" I asked, my voice was shaky and colour had drained from my face, as I shoved the note in my pocket.

"Here." I heard Minho say from above me, I looked up and saw him being lowered into the box with newt and I. "Woah, talk about a plot twist." Minho smirked, I couldn't believe how unfazed he was. I shot him a glare and his expression almost immediately harden and he mouthed the word 'what?' I rolled my eyes and let out a long sigh as I gestured towards the lifeless body. Newt and I lifted the girl as Minho fastened the vines around her arms.

Multiple boys pulled her up carelessly, her defenceless body shot up, and out of the box quickly and hit the ground with a sickening thwack! I cringed at the sound of her skull crashing against the hard dirt. I felt rage fill my gut, and I balled my hands into fists. I looked over at Minho and Newt and raised my eyes row at them. "Little help here boys?" I asked with a annoyed tone. The two boys crouched and laced there hands together, I put my left foot in Minho's hand and my right in Newt's, I placed my hands on the boys shoulders steadying myself. They counted down to three and flung my upwards, I shot up towards the top of the box walls, and I grabbed the edge of the wall. I used all of upper body strength and scrambled up the wall, kicking my legs until I finally pulled my self up, and sat on the edge of the box walls, my feet dangling over the side. I looked down at Minho, who was smirking at me. His arms crossed and his muscles flexed. Newt punched him in the shoulder and crouched down as Minho mounted Newt as I did with them only moments before. Minho shot up and pulled himself up much easer and definitely with more grace then I had.

I looked over to the boys behind me who were just finishing untying the vine from the girls arms. They then lowered the vine into the box and pulled Newt up, he was definitely the most graceful of the three of us. The way he seemed to float out of the box, he seemed to do everything in one swift movement. Minho rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated breath. I chuckled and looked at Minho who was stomping towards Newt, pushing him to ground in frustration. Newt looked shocked and kicked Minho's legs out from under him. The boys began fighting, legs and arms flailing in all directions. I quickly shot up and ran over to the bundle of hormones, pulling Minho off Newt. I saw Thomas grab Newt as we walked backwards pulling boys away from each other. Minho started to swing his arms violently, making contact with my jaw. Pain shot threw my face. I continue to pull him back with all of my strength.

Minho kept struggling against my grip but I pulled his arms behind him and hooked my foot around his, pushing him to the ground. I placed my knee on the back of his head pushing his face into the dirt. He kept fighting me so I pulled his arms further back cause him to squeal."MINHO! STOP IT!" My grip tightened and I began to bend his finger the wrong way causing him to scream. "YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He began to calm and he finally stopped struggling. I released my grip from his finger and let him slowly stand up. "I'm sorry but this has to stop!" I shout-whispered. He spit dirt onto the ground and relaxed his muscles in defeat.

"WHAT THE SHUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" I heard a familiar voice bellow through the glade. I turned to see Alby strut up towards Minho and I. He looked at me then down at he lifeless girl, and back to me. "2 WEEKS IN THE SLAMMER!" He spat at me. A scowl plastered on his face. I felt anger fill my stomach and I pushed pass him.

"WHAT?! WHY?" I questioned, my voice laced with sass.

"BECAUSE EVERYTHING BAD HAPPENS AROUND YOU! AND YOU KNOW THE RULES ABOUT HURTING FELLOW GLADERS!" His face was now beat red and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. I turned my head and saw Gally standing right behind Alby, we locked eyes and he scowled at me, his face bruised and a large purple ring surrounded his jaw were I punched him only hours ago.

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