Chapter 9

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I smiled to myself as I shoved the note back into my pocket. I stood up and walked out the room, my stomach growled as I made my way down the winding staircase. I walked out of the homestead and made my way over to the kitchen. Frypan was busy cleaning up the dishes from lunch, I must have missed it when I was on my tour. "Hey Frypan, can I have a sandwich, I missed lunch." I smiled at the chef as he ran around, yelling at other gladers who were trying to grab the scraps.

"Yea for sure." He handed me a sandwich, then turned to hit a small blonde boy with his rolling pin. "OUT!" Frypans face was full of rage and annoyance, Frypan swung making contact with the boy's head. The boy ran away screaming holding his head in pain.

"Thanks again!" I chuckled as I walked away from the sassy cook. I saw Chuck slouched against a tree. I walked over sandwich in hand, and sat crisscross apple sauce beside him. I split my lunch in half and offered it to him.

"You know me so well." He grabbed a half and scarfed it down in a blink of an eye. I felt a huge smile form on my face as I bit into my half. A explosion of flavours hit my tongue, a perfect mixture of mayo, ham, cheese, and mustard greeted my mouth as I devoured my half of the sandwich. God.... Frypan is good! Just as I finished my sandwich, An ear splitting sound echoed through the glade. "No no no no no. Not today!" Chuck sprang to his feet and ran toward the box. I ran after him, I realized that the sound was an alarm, and was coming from the box. "That's not the regular alarm.... That's the greenie alarm!" Multiple gladers had formed a circle around the box.

"OUTTA MY WAY!" Alby pushed through the crowd, Newt right on his heels. They opened the box, and Newt jumped down in. I pushed my way through the crowd. I looked down into the box and saw a small boy with dark black hair and pale skin. He was shaking, fiddling with his fingers nervously, he was squinting and rubbing his eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt and black pants, that draped over his thin body, as I watched him shaking in the corner I felt empathy towards him.

"Welcome to the glade greenie, names Newt." Newt helped up the shivering boy and placed his hands on his shoulders. The boy looked up at the crowd, locking eyes with me almost immediately. I stumbled backwards, my stomach dropped to my feet and I pushed to the back of the crowd now standing beside Chuck. I knew that boy.... He was the one from my dream when I passed out, I only recognized his eyes... Those big blue discs that were plastered to his face. I don't know how, or why I recognized him but I did, I knew it. Alby walked over to me his nostrils flaring.

"Once every month, for three years, one day a girl shows up and we get two greenies in two days. Im only gonna ask ya this once, do you know him?" His voice was stern and loud. I looked into his eyes a scowl stretched across my face, matching his. I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet, I want to talk to Minho when he gets back, and ask him what I should do.

"No" and with that, I grabbed Chuck by the arm and dragged him over towards the homestead.

I needed someone to talk to. Chuck and I sat in our usual patch of grass away from the chaos. We sat there for about 10 minutes until my curiosity got the best of me, I walked over to the crowd of people who were still surrounding the new-comer. I pushed my way over to Newt and stood beside him, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and a smile stretched across my face. "So... Do ya recognize him?" Newt smiled down at me.

"You're kidding right?!" My voice was laced with sass and annoyance. "I would expect that from Alby, but you?!" I felt the rage bubble inside me as my hands clenched into fists. I pushed Newt off me and fought my way through the crowd, and back to Chuck. Newt was right on my heels running to catch up to me.

"Crimson, come on love! Crumbs!" I turned around so abruptly that Newt almost knocked into me. I looked into his eyes, and a scowl formed on my face.

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