Chapter 10

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"I can show you tomorrow first thing, if you want." Newt smiled at me and slung his arm around my shoulder (again!).

"Ok, Alby said that you were gonna show me the jobs tomorrow too." I wrapped my arm around his hip, pulling him closer. "So you get to hang out with alllll day! Lucky you!" I let out a soft chuckle and released his hip. I was surprised when he kept his arm around me, but I just let it happen.

"I think I'll survive... Although Minho will be jelly!" He looked down at me, a smirk plastered to his face.

"What? Why would he be jealous? He's the mighty Minho!" I gave Newt a playful push, I felt my face blush uncontrollably.

"You kiddin' me?! Your all the slinthead ever talks about! He wouldn't stop flappin' his gums bout ya this mornin!" Newt gave me a slight squeeze and continued "the med-jacks were wrapping up his arms and he still wouldn't quit, what ever you did to him..... I don't know, but I've known him for three years and I've never seen him like this... Ever!"

My face was now beet red and my mind was racing. Did he like me?
No! That's stupid, it's only cuz your the only girl he's ever known!
Ughhhh I hate this! Just don't freak out, FOCUS CRIMSON!
I argued to myself in my head, I felt my heart jump when I heard a door open and slam shut.

"Crumbs?! I summon you!" He pointed at his feet and a soft laugh escaped his lips.

I looked up at Newt, he was chuckling and mouthing the word "see?!" His eyes were shot open. I smiled mockingly and stuck out my tongue. "I'll find you at dinner." And with that I jogged over to Minho.

"What's up?" I looked up at Minho smiling. He grabbed my hand intertwining his fingers in between mine, pulling me towards the now closed doors of the glade. "Why are we going here? You just almost got stuck on the wrong side of these doors and now we're going back?!"

"Shhhhh, just shut up." He squeezed my hand and let out childish giggle. We reached the doors and Minho pulled me to a section of the wall beside the doors. He pulled back a blanket of vines, my eyes shot open as I walked up towards the wall. Names of people have been craved into the stone, Newt, Alby, Gally, Jeff, even Chuck, I scanned the wall, I spotted Minho's name and traced every letter with my fingers, I noticed that some of the names have been crossed off. I traced a name with my fingers, George?

"Please tell this doesn't mean, what I think it means." I looked up at Minho who was still gripping my hand tightly.

"Uhhhhh, here you go?" He pulled a knife from his backpack and handed to me. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.

"How am I supposed to carve my name into solid stone with this knife?! I think this sorry excuse for a weapon should stay where it belongs; In the kitchen with the butter knifes!" I felt a smirk form on my face. Minho's face lite up, a giggle escaped his mouth as a smile creeped onto his face.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a wooden mallet, "here use this." He handed my the knife and the mallet, I grabbed them and turned to face the wall. I began to scratch my name into the wall, banging the mallet into the handle of the knife, I only got to Crims- before I felt his stare, I turned my head and caught him staring right at me as I carve my name right beside his. "You're staring."

"What?...." He mumbled still looking right at me.

"You're staring Minho!" I turned around fully, and crossed my arms staring him down. He snapped out of his daze and looked right into my eyes.

"Yea... I guess you're right, your just so cute." My stomach dropped.

"Yea, the way my hair blows in the wind." I joked, flicking my hair that barley reached past my ear. "You're just tired from your run, you'd probably say that to Newt if he was standing here too."

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