Ch. 16 part 2

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I am soooo sorry for the long wait. Please forgive me.

Ch 16 pt. 2

Unknown person P.O.V

The time has finally come. My daughter was old enough. I hid in the trees watching her as she talked to agroup of friends. She has become so beautiful since the last time I saw her so many years ago. A shame that I agreed for her father to take her. Every since then, I had to watch my baby girl grow up from afar.

Now thats all about to change, since she was of age. That was always our agreement, me and her father, that when she was of age, she could come live with me and help me rule our people. I could tell now, that she would make a great queen, and she will have me by her side to help. It wont be long until we meet again,my daughter, my Faerydae.

Danny's P.O.V

We had a blast painting posters for the big game. Watching Sapphire paint was a joy. I had no idea that she was such a great artist. She was the one to paint the big designs like the mascot and the letter in fansy writing. My angel was so talented.

After the girls where done with those posters, they had us running around school to help them hang it up, well more like ordered us. Sapphire was in control of everything, seeing as she captain. She was so good at leading and giveing orders, that I can already tell that she gonna be a great alpha female.

Not long after we hanged up the posters, was it time for school to end. The football players all had to stay after to practice for the game tonight, while the girls could leave. They had practiced more than we did this week, so they were excused from practice.

Sapphire was going to hang out with Honey until later. I noticed Jake walking over towards me. "Hey dude, we need to talk." He said. I smiled, "How come that sounds like a break up speak?" I joked. He tryed to hold back the grin, but i could see a tiny bit of it before he turned. "Just follow me." He said and started to walk away. He took us behind the bleachers.

"So what up man?" I asked. Jake looked down for a second then back at me. "We need to talk about you and Sapphire both being werewolfs." He said looking at mewith an all serious face.

Sapphire" P.O.V

Honey and I decided to hang out at my place til it was time to go back to school. It was nice of coach to cancel practice. We were up in my room, when Honey cleare her throat.

"You know we been best friends and told each everything so i'm just gonna come out and say it." She said.

"Honey what are you.."

"Me and Jake are both vampires and we know that you and Danny are both werewolfs and mates." She said looking down.

I was shocked. All these years my best friend and her boyfriend were vampires.

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked still shocked.

"Because Saph, your my best friend and I could hide it no more. Please understand please?" She begged.

i thought about what she said. I mean it made since, since I didn't tell her right away that I was a werewolf.

"Im not mad, just....surprised thats all......but your the good kind right." I asked.

She nodded, "Yes we are, were also part of the ten vampire royal families. Just like how you both are alphas, but your from the strongest pack in the whole area." She said.

I nodded, so my best friends wasa vampire, but not any kind of vampire, a good vampire princess. Well this issomething you don't hear from your best friend every day. Well neither the fact that  your a werewolf, and alpha of  the strongest pack in the area.

"Well Honey, since were both at falt for keeping big secrects, I'll just say that although i'm shocked, I still want to be best friends." I gave her a small smile.

She smiled back, and before i knew it, she jumped on top of me and we fell back onto my bed. "Thank you so much for understanding Sapphire." She cryed. I just laughed and hugged her. I guess this means I dont really have such a normal life after all.


Ok sorry thats it short but I should post soon.

Again sorry for the very LONG wait.

Well if you like



thanks alot

      xoxo   Lindsey

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