Chapter 22

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Alright you lovely people, here is the next chapter. Some of your questions and thoughts will be answered.


Chapter 22

Danny's P.O.V

Five hours. Five fucking hours she has been gone. No one takes a five hour long jog, unless there running away. I know Sapphire wouldn't do that though, she wouln't have left Hunter after she just got him back. Something must of happen, but if so, wouldn't yo come running back to warn me? Unless he was hurt. I mean he's not a werewolf, he's just a regular wolf.

Thank god Hunter was still upstairs sleeping, I don't how I would tell him his sister/mom was missing. What kind of mate am I? I can't believe I allowed her to go by herself with only Kyo for protection. Damn, I should have sent some of my pack members to follow her. I'm so stupid!

Pacing in the living room, the front door opened and in walked a panic Honey and Jake came in shutting the door. The fact they saw me alone made it worse, Honey started crying shaking her head while Jake held her.

"No, no, it can't be. So what they said was true?" She said more to herself.

"What are you talking about Honey? Who said what?" I asked worried. If it was about my mate, then I wanted to know, NOW!

Honey was on her knees crying and shaking her head. It was clear I wasn't going to get answers from her. I looked at Jake to answer.

He looked down at Honey as he answered. "We were running through the woods to feed, when we spotted a group of dark feys."

Dark feys? Don't tell me they were the ones to take Sapphire, please tell me there not. I pleaded silently.

"Honey and i hid behind a bush and watched them. They were dressed up, as if for a celebration. They were all laughing and talking, and we caught some of what they said." He said looking up at me with sad eyes.

"They were talking about going to the dark fey castle to celebrate the return of their lost princess." He said looking down at Honey.

During the time he was talking, Honey layed herself flat on the floor crying her heart out. It broke my heart seeing it. Sapphire was like a sister to Honey, and now she found out that the dark feys had took her.

"So she did it. She met her." I said to myself sitting down. I knew Sapphire wanted to meet her mother, so if she came across some dark feys she probably told them to take her to their queen.

Jake looked up at me,"What do you mean Danny?" Honey looked up at his question, her make-up was all smugged and messy. To be honest, she looked like the bride of the Joker.

"Sapphire came to see me at my pack house. She told me that she wanted to go and find her mother. Claiming that she had to at least meet her. She left a few hours ago with Kyo to go on a jog in the woods." I told them, looking down at the floor.

I heard Honey get up from the floor and make her way slowly towards me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at her. Her face still had smeared make-up, and a sad expression.

"If that what she wanted, then we have to let her be. I've known Sapphire for a long time, she would never forgive us if we stopped her." She took a deep breath. "Sapphire can handle herself, she there princess, they wouldn't hurt her. She one of them."

I stood up. "Sapphire is not one of them. She is a kind, caring, and loving person. There not a single amount of darkness in her."

My wolf and I were angry that Honey, our mate's best friend, would say that. How could she say that?

"Danny, you see her now, but you didn't see her before. She was dark, scary to everyone else. Wait here." She said and walked up the stairs.

I was sitting on the couch when she came back down a few minutes later with a small box and scrapbook. She took a seat next to me as she handed me the box and scrapbook.

"Look through both of them, that is the real Sapphire, the one I came to know." She said looking at the thins in my lap.

"Honey are you sure you want to do that? What about Sapphire?" Jake asked looking at her.

Her eyes never left the box or scrapbook as she answered, "Sapphire will never show him on her own. I know her." She looked at me with sad eyes. "Danny, I've seen Sapphire at her true form, and she knows that I accepts and love her anyways. Me and Jake both do. Even Hunter knows and he still loves her. If you truely love her, then you will too." She told me.

I looked down at the box and book in my lap. Did I really want to see my mate in her true form? Honey knows that were mates, but yet she saying that she hopping that I'll still love Sapphire afterwards. Do I want to destroy the image of Sapphire I have, by looking at her true form?

Yes. Sapphire is my mate, and no matter how bad her true form may be, I will still love her with all my heart. She is my life, my love, my world. She is my everything, and I won't let a simple thing, as her true form, chase me away. If I have to see her true form through pictures, that her best friend is showing me, then o be it. Besides, how does she expect me to love her fully, if I don't know her inside and out.

"I want to see it." I said and open the box.

My heart dropped, and my wolf started whimpering. The box was filled with pictures of our mate, a darker version of her. She was in all black, or dark colors. Her skin pale and fair, hair still black, but with either blue or purple, or both, in her hair. Her make-up was dark. face fair, with her beautiful blue eyes surrounded by a lot of black eye liner, and eyeshadow. Every one, every single picture was a dark version of my mate. And in every single one, she was alone. When I came to the last picture my heart almost stopped. It was a picture of my mate's wrist cover in blood, from cuts on her wrist.

I quickly put the photos back in the box and handed it back to Honey. Then I placed the scrapbook on my lap and braced myself for what it contained.

Flipping open the book, I was amazed at what I saw. Flipping page after page, all I saw were drawing done in pencil of fallen angles, emo girls crying, broken hearts, dark dragons, dark fairies. There were even some poems, dark and sad, written by her. Seeing all of this I saw who my mate really was. She was a girl who was heart broken, sad, and crying on the inside. The last few pages of the scrapbook, brought me to tears. It had the label "People that I Love:" On the the pages were pencil drawing of Honey and Jake together, Hunter, her granny, and who I assumed is her father. On the last page was a drawing of me with a heart at the top of it. I was amazed at how detailed and life-like they looked. Almost like black and white photos, transformed into pencil form.

Sapphire. My beautiful and talented mate.  A girl who went through a lot of pain and heart ache. Who had a dark side to her. An alpha werewolf of one of the strongest packs in the U.S, and the dark fey long lost princess.

She was my mate.

And I love her with all my heart.


Aww! so what did ya'll think? Love it? Hate it? Can't get enough of it?

I'll try to upload more later today or night.

Until then.......




xoxo <3

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