Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

*pic of Zack*

Danny's P.O.V

Everytime we would go to class, We would get stares, well mostly me.

The girls would have a adoring look, while the guys had hated looks.

It hit me, the guys wanted Sapphire, my Sapphire! This made my wolf very angery.

Lucky for them I kept my wolf undercontrol,but they better not try anything on my goddess.

Before I knew it, lunch time was here. Sapphire had introduce me to the football players, who seem to welcome me right away.

I watched as she went over to sit down at another table not that far away, with a girl who seemed to be her best friend.

My attention was pulled away when one of the players asked me something.

"Sorry what did you say?" I was clueless.

They seemed to notice why I was distracted.

"Dude, your lucky to have Sapphire as a guid, but don't waist your energy. She hasn't dated anyone for the pass two years." The one with brown hair said.

"Yeah, my now fiancee who is that girl sitting with her, said that it has to do something with what happen at home." Said the blonde hair guy.

"What happen at home?" I asked.

I was worried about what happen to my goddess.

They all shrugged, "Don't know, all we know is that it has something to deal with her dad's passing away." said the blonde hair guy again.

So my goddess was depressed about a loss huh, well let see if I can cheer her up then.

"But yeah, back to buisness. We were wondering if you like to join the team." The brown hair guy said.

"Sure, i'm in." I said.

Mom might kill me, but she wanted me to act like a normal teenage guy, and most guys play football.

That made them all high five each other including me.

Oh, i'm Chris." The brown hair guy said.

"I'm Zack," The guy with the blonde hair said.

"And those are the twins, Cody and Cole." Chriss said pointing to the last two guys.

I looked at each when they said there names, then glaced over at Sapphire again.

She sat there looking at me with the same expression I had, when she dropped me off at this table.

Well at least we share the smae feelings.

The bell rang, ending lunch, now to set the trap.

Sapphire's P.O.V

The bell rung for lunch to end, and also for me to show Danny to our last two classes.

He waited outside the cafe doors for m, the same way I waited for him in the office.

I could help but smile at this. Is this bot really gonna made me want to dtae again?

My heart started beating fast at the thought of dating him, but then slowed. What if he doesn't like me back?

I deep in thought and didn't hear what he said.

"Huh, do what?" I was so out of it around him.

"I was saying that I was sorry to hear about your father passing away." He said with concern in his eyes.

How did he know about that, then i knew how. I was going to kill Zack.

"It's no big deal anymore, besides how you like the football team. They seem like that want you join." i said trying to move away from the last topic.

He got the hint, such a smart boy.

"Yeah, well they asked and I couldn't say no." he shrugged then smile.

Damn, he had a hot smile. I could help but to smile back, witch also made my cheeks turn pink.

How is this boy making me fall for him on his firts day?!

The rest of the day went by fast, a little to fast for my taste

I was outside heading for my car, when Danny stopped me.

"Hey Sapphire, I was wondering if you like to hang out tonight." He asked me with his hands in his pocket.

Why did he have to be so hot?

"Sorry I can't, i'm going to my grandma's house. But tomorrow." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

He looked confused,"Tomorrow?"

I could help but laugh at his clueness. "The football players are having practice tomorrow after school, and you are a footbal player right?"

That made him smile,"Yeah i am."

"So i'll see you tomorrow at practice. My best friend always drag me to watch it. Zack is her 'fiancee' now." I smiled back.

He nodded, and I could help but kiss him on the cheek.

I turned around to head back to my car surprised at myself. The old me was starting to come back out.

Once in my car, I took one last look at Danny.

What have you done to me Danny?


Heyy thanks to all my fans and al the vote and comments.

If you want me to keep writing more comment or vote for me.

Thanks again.

♥ XxdancerxX

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now