Chapter 17

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Heyy sorry for the super long wait.

Chapter 17

Sapphire's P.O.V

It's been a few days since I found out that Honey and Jake were vampires, and royals vampires at that. Danny was kinda shocked and didn't really talk for a few hours but he fine with it.

We won the game with the help of Danny, now were at my house watching movies. During the middle of the movie, there was a knock at the door. I got up and walked towards the door and open it to reveal a man. The man was in a black suit and was blad and looked to be around thirty.

"Ms. Night, I'm Mr.Arnold from child services." He said.

I stared at him. He seemed familiar.

"How can I help you?" I asked confused.

"Is it still your wish to become Hunter, guardian?" He asked.

Once he said my brother's name, I remembered him. He was the one that came to take him to a boarding school out of town once mom decided to leave. We were both crying when he was leaving. I had begged the man to let him stay with me, but he said I was only 17 and granny could only take care of one of us. He said once I was 18 I could become his guardian.

"Yes it is. " I told him.

"Very well, you'll need to sign some pape." He told me.

I nodded," Is he with you?"

I missed my brother, he was only 11 when he left, now he would be 12 since his birthday was last month.

Mr. Arnold turned around and motion for someone inside his car.

I watched as the back seat door open and my brother stepped out. We stood there looking at each other for a few second before we both ran towards each oher. Once he was in my arms, I held on tight not wanting to ever let him go, afraid he would disappear again.

Mr.Arnold cleared his throat, holding up a folder.

I nodded," Right, let's go inside."

We headed back inside towards the kitchen table. I noticed that the movie was paused and Honey, Jake, and Danny were all watching us. Once Honey and Jake saw Hunter, realization flickered in there eyes. they both came and gave Hunter a hug. Huter was like a little brother to them as well. Danny just stood there confused. Hunter was eyeing him, like he always did when he didn't know someone.

"Ms. Night all you need to do and sign here and your set." Mr. arnold said holding out a pen for me.

Taking in in my hand, I did a quick scan of the paper to make sure it was real, then sign my name at the bottom.

"You are offically Huter's legal guardian now." Mr. arnold said with a hint of happiness in his eyes.

He knew how bad i missed him and trusted that I would take good care of him.

Once he brought in the last of Hunter's bag, I took them up to his old room that I never open unless to clean it.

Huter and Danny were both staring at each other when I came back down.

"Danny this is my younger brother Hunter, Hunter this is my boyfriend Danny."  I introduced them and watch what would happen.

Hunter has always been iffy all the guys I dated, so I wanted to see what he would say about Danny.

"Hi Hunter," Danny smiled at him.

Hunter nodded in greeting and turned to look at me. "Sis I have to tell you something. Something happen at school." He said looking down.

I got worried, hunter was always picked on at school, so I was afraid of what he said.

"What happen?" I asked.

"Well some guys dragged me to the woods by the school and they beat me. Once they left I was so angry that i couldn't stop them and then something happened. I....I..."

"You shifted into a wolf." Danny finished for him.

Hunter looked at Danny startled. "How do you know?"

"Because your wolf scent is really strong and that happen after the first shift." Danny explained.

Huh, i didn't know that happen. But my main concern is about the beat up Hunter got.

"Are you one of them then?" He asked.

"Me and Sapphire both." danny told him.

Hunter looked at me," Your a wolf?"

I nodded," i just shifted on my birthday."

"Wait, I thought wolfs shifted on there 18th birthday. Hunter only 12." Honey said.

"That's for the girls, but guys shift when there 16. But it's possible for someone to shift early when there really angry or if really stress, but shifting early always hurts worse than the regular first shift." Danny explained.

I looked at Hunter. I remember my first shift was painful, but I use to pain. Hunter was only picked on and never really beat on until then. So to image my first shift times anything, would be to much.

"I also went through an early shift after  witness my pack get attack by rogues. I was about the same age as you." Danny said mostly to Hunter.

After that, Hunter started asking Danny all kinds of questions. Looking at Hunter talking to Danny, I couldn't help but see them slowly bond through it. Yeah they both went through a early shift, but it causing them to bond through there experience. Hunter never really had any friends, and he only talked to me, but it was limited. Now that he met Danny I can't help but think he'll finally have someone he could really talk to about anything.

I didn't realize Honey was talking to me until she snapped her fingers in my face.

"What Honey?" I asked annoyed. She knew I hated when she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Did you read this?" she handed me a piece of paper that looked like a note.

Reading over it, I had to read it again to make sure I read it right.


 I know I just left you but I couldn't handle it. You see Sapphire, your not my daughter. Your father had you when me and him met. I treated like you were my own, but after your father died, I couldn't handle the truth. I just want you to know I will always love you, but you needed to know.


How could this be? I mean I didn't really look like Lissa, but I didn't really think much of it. I can't believe she wasn't my mom.

I have to find my real mother.


hope ya like it. sorry if its short. I'll try to upload when I can.





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