Chapter 24

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I am soooooooooo sorry for the super long wait. I had a bad case of writers block and also no access to a computer. Please forgive me.

Hope you like this chapter.

 *pic is of Vladimir*


Chapter 24

Sapphire's P.O.V

Three more days has past since I've been here. All of my lessons are finished, so I can be crowned queen when ever my mothers wants to. She has been getting worse each day that has past, she won't tell me what wrong, only she just sick. Shit, even a blind man can see that she more than sick.

At the moment I was in my room sitting at the make up table while  Eva, the  girl from before who is also my personal maid, was grooming me. That what she does. She set my bath water, bathe me while I ate grapes and olive and drinking fey wine. She help me get dress, and all groomed up. To be honest the first time she bathe me, it was really ackward for me, but I learned to ignore it by going to my happy place. Besides she only runs a cloth over my shoulders and back and wash my hair.

I glanced up at Eva, who happen to be humming, and wondered if she knew what was going on with mother. She was a maid, and i'm sure maids hear everything, just like they said in Princess Diaries 2. Watching her comb my hair, with her eyes close humming, I didn't want to interup her peace. Though it happen anyways when here was a knock on the door.

Without much of a glance, I called out. "Come in."

Eva was still combing my hair, only this time without the humming and her eyes closed. Honestly i missed and hated her humming. Missed it because it was soothing, hated it because it was close to making me fall asleep.

"Princess, your mother wish to see you now." The voice of Marie, mother's peronal maid, said.

Eva stopped what she was doing and step to the side. Without a word, I got up and walked towards the door. Marie and Eva both started to follow me until I held up a hand.

"Eva you can go and take a break, you as well Marie. I know my way to mother's chamber." I told them, and walked away when they nodded.

As I was makin my way to her room, I couldn't help this feeling of dispare and grief. As if my gut was saying that's what awaited me in her rom. Looking at her bedroom doors, I too a deep relaxing breath before I entered. She said that I didn't have to knock to enter her room.

Everything was the same. Same violet walls, same bedset, everything was the same, except the guy sitting on the side of the bed, holding mother's hand. I did a quick scan over him.

He had black hair, same as mother and me, that seems to cover his eyes. It went to the middle of his neck. It looked thick and soft to the touch. I couldn't see his eyes since his hair was in the way.His skin was also pale, like Honey's. I noticed that he wore a blood red dress shirt, with a nice pair of black pants and leather shoes. Walking to the other side of mom, I noticed that he had a necklace on with a shiny red stone, no bigger than a small rock.

As I sat down, I saw him look up long enough to see his eyes. Dark brown, almost black. Also from the quick glance I saw that he had a faint 5 o'clock shadow. Overall, this guy was drop dead gorgeous.

Mom glanced over at me and gave a small smile, "Your here." She was so weak that without my werewolf hearing, I would have never heard her.

She glanced back over to the mystery guy. "Faerydae this is Vladimir, your older brother."

I looked up at the guy shocked. Older brother?! That means, mom had two kids. Vladimir, my brother, looked up at me and gave me a look that said, "We'll talk later."  I nodded and looked back at mother.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now