Chapter 18

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here is the next chapter :)

Chapter 18

Sapphire's P.O.V

Everyone was, besides Hunter who went upstairs, was sitting at the dinner table. I had showed them the note, and they were just as surprised about the news as me.

"This makes no sense, how could she note be my mother?" I wondered out loud.

Honey and Jake both gave each other a look before looking at me.

"Sap, Jake and I both kinda knew Lissa wasn't your mother." Honey said.

Honey and I both stared at each other waiting to see who would speak first. After a few minutes I broke the silence.

"What do you mean you knew? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

We were best friend who told each other everything. No secrets. Now she telling me after all these years of knowing me and my family that she knew the whole time that Lissa wasn't my mother.

"I thought that you knew, and that you stilled called her mom. I didn't think that she and your dad hide it from you. It wasn't my place to." She said looking down.

I was about to speak, when I realized she was right. It wasn't here place to tell me, it was there. And even if I knew I would have stilled called Lissa mom cause she had been there since I was a baby. she was the only mom I knew. There was one question that I wanted answered though, that she could tell me.

"How did you know she wasn't my mom?" I asked looking at her.

"Because of your scent. Her, your dad and Hunter all smelled 100% wolf. You, on the other hand, only smell half wolf." She told me.

Half wolf? Does that mean my mom was a human than?

"I noticed that too but I always thought her mom was human, until I smelled Hunter's scent and what you said." Danny said looking at them.

Jake cleared his throat and we all looked at him." Well, she not part human either. Tell me Danny, have you ever met a fay?" He asked.

fay? What a fay? A fairy?

Danny shook his head no." I heard of them, never really met one."

Jake nodded and looked at all of us." Well I came across a few before, and Sapphire has the same scent as them."

That answer one question, but what about telling me what a fay is. I thought and didn't realized I said it out loud until Jake spoke again.

"Well a fay is a human-sized fairy. There appearance are being really beautiful, light color skin, and sweet and calming aura around them. There eyes are beautiful and could keep you looking at them for hours, and there hair is as soft as silk. They also have wings that they have out or tucked away depend on were they are. Also, there are both light and dark fays. The light are said to be friendly and helpful and they like the day and light colors. Even there hair and eyes are light colored. Dark fays are said to be evil and light to play pranks or jokes on people and they prefer the night time and dark colors. There hair and eyes being dark as well." he explained.

Wow, my mom was a fairy. That's pretty awesome.

"Well then her mom would have to be a light fay." Danny said after a few minutes of silence.

"But her hair is black." Honey said pointing at my hair.

"Yeah but her eyes are blue, plus her dad had black hair to, so she could have got that from him." Jake told her.

She nodded agreeing with his words. I mean it is true. My dad did have black hair and blue eyes as well. But for some reason I couldn't help but think about my years before Honey came into my life.

I had always stood alone, and wore dark colors to school. But now I talk to people and wear somewhat brighter clothes now.

"Well, now that we figure what my mom is. It's now time to find her." I told them.

Unknown person's P.O.V

I sat at my throne looking out at the night sky waiting for news from my messenger.

All of a sudden the doors open and in he walked. Finally, I thought as I faced him.

"What news have you bought me?" I asked him.

He bowed and kneel before speaking.

"My queen, the spies returned with news that the princess will be going for a walk through the woods tomorrow night." He said.

I couldn't hide the smile that appeared on my face.

"Then tomorrow night we strike. I want my warriors to follow her and I want her brought to me unharmed. Not a single hair toughed or scratch on her is that clear?" I ordered.

"Yes my queen."

"good, your dismissed." I said looking away.

I waited until he was gone before I got up and walked towards the window.

"Soon my dear daughter, my Faerydae, we'll be together again."

And no one is gonna stop me from having you back.


Ok sorry if its short. Tell me what you guys think.

Also, anyone wanna guess who the unknown person is? First one to get it right will have the next chapter dedicated to them.

So until the next upload....






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