chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

*pic of Danny*

Danny's P.O.V

Why did life hate me so much? I asked myself as I sat in my new school office.

Not only did mom move us here, but now dad made me alpha of our pack.....yes I am a werewolf, but not the scary one they make in movies.

Now I have to go to a new high school, during my senior year, which was great.....not!

The principal had me sit down in his office, while he waited for my guid to show up.

He said that I would be in every class with the guid, so I would know someone to help me.

I just hope the guid wasn't a loser, cause then my life would be even worse.

The door to the office open and i knew the principal and the guid had come in.

I didn't bother to turn around to see what the dude looked like, but boy was I wrong.

"What did you need sir?" A girl's voice asked.

"I want you to be our new transfer student guid." He gesture towards me.

Wait, my guid was a girl?! Awesome, at least I'm not stuck with a loser dude. Unless the girl was a loser, cause with those manners, she sounded like she was.

"Danny, I like you to meet Sapphire. She will be your new guid around the school. Anything you have a question about, just ask me or Sapphire." He told me.

Before either of us could say a word, he dismissed us off to class.

I got up and headed towards the door, surprised to see that the girl was already out of the office.

Walking into the main office I looked around for the girl. I saw no one but the front desk lady. Then I heard the voice behind me.

"So I guess I'm stuck with you all day then." She said behind me.

I turned around to look at her and froze. She stood there leaning against the wall with one foot on the wall. I have to say, she looked like a goddess.

With her midnight black hair falling around her heart-shape face, and blue eyes the color of sapphire. Wait, wasn't her name Sapphire?

Then the feeling hit me and I knew what it was....she was my mate! I had the feeling that I was to be with her forever and protect her from any harm.

I think it hit her, but not as hard as it hit me, cause then she froze when she saw me.

Now my only problem was, to find a way to get close to her, well with her being my guid it was a start. then I had to tell her the truth without scaring the shit out of her.

Well at least my life wasn't turning out to be so bad.


heyy thanks for reading my story,

i'll upload the rest as fast as I can :]

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now