Chapter 8

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Hey ya'll i'm back and ready to write more for ya.

Thanks for all the votes, comments!

Chapter 8:

Sapphire's P.O.V

I had just walked in the door when I notice two strong looking guys, who were both shirtless.

Narrowing my eyes I looked to the tallest of the two.

"What do you what?" I say. I didn't like the idea of these two being in my house.

The short one answered holding up his hands as if they surender. "Calm down were not her to harm you Sapphire. We came here to talk to you under the orders of your grandmother."

That made me relax a little bit. If granny sent them, then they must be okay. They seem to notice it too, cause they started to relax a bit too.

"Fine, take a seat. What do you guys want to drink?" I throw my purse on the hallway table.

"Water or Coke will be fine thank you." The tall guy said.

I come back in the living room with three Cokes and sit across from them.

"Ok so what did my granny send ya'll guy here for?" I open my Coke and take a sip.

"Well she told us that you already now about you being a werewolf." The short one startes out.

I nod, "So she told us that we are to be your guards." Tall-guy finishes.

That I didn't expect, so I ended up choking on my drink. After I manage to speak again I looked at them.

"My what?! Why do I need two guards, no offence, but i'm not a weakling." I say.

"Were sure you aren't but since your about to become the new alpha female you need alot of protection." Short-guy say.

"Plus there are dangerous things out there like vampires-" Tall-guy said.

"What vampires are real?" They nodded. What kind of world do I live in?

"Ok so ya'll are my guards, but can ya'll wait until tomorrow before you start.....guarding me?" I ask them.

They both crack a smile. "We aren't to gaurd you until you first shift and then pronouced as the new alpha female." The short dude said.

(a/n: She learn there names later)

"Ok...well....good. So is that everything ya'll came here for?" I say.

"Yes that is all, your grandmother explained everything else." The short-one say.

"Fine, you know were the door is....wait how did ya'll get in here in the first place?" Damn i'm slow today.

They both grin. "Werewolf secrect."

"Well i'm a werewolf so what the secrect?" I argued.

"Not until tomorrow you aren't." tall-guy say.

I narrow my eyes at them. "Now ya'll aren't being fare."

They both shrugged, "Have a good birthday tomorrow Sapphire."

With that, they both went out the back door. Great another thing to add to the damn Early Birthday Surprise list. I looked at the clock.

"Shit, I have to get ready." I ran up the stairs to the bathroom to take a shower. Turning it on hot, I got in. How did talking to those two take up so much time?

Turning off the water I walked into my room. (a/n: she traded bedrooms with her mom, so now she has the master bedroom)

Going throught my closet I found my favorite tank and mini skirt. Quickly, I changed and did my hair and make-up. I just pulled on my small heels, when I notice Danny pulling up in the driveway. Ranning down the stairs, without falling, I grabbed my cell, keys, and purse off the table. and headed out the door.

Danny got out and smiled that award winning smile of his. "You look...beautiful." He said as he open the door for me. I smiled. "Thanks you look handsome yourself." that made him blush. She jagged over to the driver side and started the engine and pulled out. "You like steak right?"

"Yeah I like steak, why?"

"Cause i'm taking you to the greatest steak house in the whole country." He smiled at me.

"Oh really? I'll have to seen for myself." I smiled back.


Hey sorry if it short. I'm still a little tired from my trip. I'll upload soon though. Thanks again for all the votes and commemts, and to all my fans.

I love ya'll

xoxo ♥


My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now