Chapter 23

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Hey here the next chapter of MCBL. I shall try to clear any confusions/questions some of you may have. If not now, but later on in the story.


Chapter 23

Sapphire's P.O.V

It has been a total of three days since I been crown the Dark Fey Princess. Mother had me learning and studing the ways of our royal court and history. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad. It was very interesting. There were chapters on how our court started and it's dark days, which was when they were hunted down for their power and used as slaves. Mother would always have the lesson in her chamber, since she was on bed rest.

I'm still confused as to why she on bed rest. All she tells me is that she just sick and needed some rest. I got the feeling she wasn't telling the whole truth, but I didn't push it. Today lesson is the history of our family.

As I was going through the records and biographys, a thought popped into my head.

"Mother?" I asked quietly since she gets head aches at loud noises.

"Yes Faerydae?" She was still in bed and had her eyes closed with a cold cloth on her head.

"Why is our court called the Dark Court, when we only just get our power from the night?" This was a question I've been having alot.

"That's because we don't really stay up all night and sleep all day. We just prefer the dark over the light, since the light weakens us. Just as the dark weakens the Light feys." She explained. "So both fey courts came up with the name dark and light."

"Then why do everyone think dark feys are evil?" I was really curious about this.

She sigh,"What have you heard about dark feys?"

I thought back to what Jake said. "I heard that we are supposaly evil, that we like to play pranks and jokes on people, and prefer the night and dark colors."

She nodded,"Yes dark feys do like to play pranks and jokes on both mortals and supernatural beings, and that we do like dark colors. But we are not evil. We do not harm unless needed."

By now she had sat up and was looking me dead in the eye. There I could see the truth and pain about what she said. Truth that she was right, since we had a few light feys come to congradulate my me on my crowning. Pain, from the hurt from the rumors and lies about us.

"Enough of this subject. Now tell me what you have learn about our family." She had laid back down at this point.

Looking at the record in my hand I said. "Well I learn that your father was a powerful warlock named Deimus. Your mother was part mermaid, part fey. Her name was AquaRegina. Also that the queen of the Light feys is your younger sister."

Mother nodded,"Yes queen Iris is my baby sister. She got her power from our mother, who was also a light fey, while I got my power from our father."

"So what your saying is"

"You have fey,werewolf,witch, and mermaid blood in you. You should also be able to transform into a mermaid too." Mother explained.

"So the Anderson sister are real witches?" I whispered more to myself.

"Yes they are. They only talk to feys,witches, and mermaids."

Wow. I did not see this coming at all. I mean I noticed a few werid things hav happen when I was around, but never did I think much of it. The dreams that would sometimes happen, or how I could understand animals, and hold my breath for a long time underwater.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now