Chapter 3

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*pic of Honey*

Chapter 3:

Sapphire's P.O.V

I stood outside the office wait for the boy, Danny, to hurry up and come out.

When he finally did, he looked around like some lost puppy, that's when I spoke.

"So I guess i'm stuck with you all day then." I said standing behind him.

He jumped a little, which was kinda funny, and turned around to face me.

That's when I froze. The dude looked like some male model that girls would die trying to date.

He have dark black hair, and brown eyes that made you wanna melt into them. Not to mention he was build.

From how I see it, It's looks like he could have an 6 or 8 pack.

I finally found my voice."So what your schedule?"

He blinked for a second and handed me a piece of paper.

I looked over it like a dozen times to make sure I read it right.

We were in ever single class together, which was awesome, but weird at the same time.

Handing back his schedule, I started headed for the exit.

"Come on, it's time to get to class." I said over my shoulder.

He followed in steps beside me.

On the way to all our classes, he would get adoring looks from all the girl, and hated ones from the boy.

Geez, jealous much? Almost all the guys at school wanted to date me, but I haven't dated anyone since my mom left.

It was finally lunch, and Honey pounced on me.

"OMG Sapphire, can you not see you have a total hottie in all your classes and you still won't date?" She asked.

"You know why Hon." I said and ate my food.

That stopped her, cause she did know why. I didn't want to get my heart broken by a guy and become like my mother.

"Well, if you won't have him, then I will." She said taking a bite of her salad.

"No you can't, cause you already have a boyfriend. And from what I heard, he porposed." I told her taking a sip of my Snapple.

Honey and Zack have been dating since the 8th grade, and they make a cute couple too.

"Yeah your right, and I guess you also heard that i told him yes too." She said.

It wasn't a question, but I still nodded.

I looked over at the football jocks table were I left Danny.

He seem to be the type to play, and the football player accepted him.

Though, I have to admit I do wish I was actually eating lunch with him.

There was this kinda feeling that kept pulling me towards him, and every time I think about being away or of him dating another girl, it made me feel empty.

I never felt like that for a guy, and I never thought I would either.

Even the thought of being just friends with him made the empty feeling come.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now