chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Sapphire's P.O.V

We were all sitting on my bed talking about everything. From us both being werewolves and about our packs and then to the alliance.

Then Danny asked me this question.

"Do you know about the group of vampires in the area?"

I nodded.

"What about the fact that two of them go to our school?"

"I didn't know that." I said.

At that moment the old lady came in.

"Thats why I want you and her guards to protect her." She said.

"Granny were you listen in on our conversation?" I already knew the answer. She always does this when im talking to a boy i like. But Danny my mate, can't she at least give us some privacy.

"I only heard the last part...and the first part.' She said.

I glared at her.

I hate it when she does this. She can be cool and fun, but when there a boy in my room, she all grandmother like and nosey on my conversations.

"Besides can't I hug and welcome my future son-in-law.?" She said walking over to us.

After my mom left, I thought of my granny as my mom, and she thought of me as her daughter.

I give Danny a nod saying to go ahead.

He gets up and hugs my granny, whoile she hugs him back.

"Welcome to the family Danny" She tells him.

"Thank you.."

"Granny, you can call me granny."

"Ok granny." He say.

She halfway out the door when she turns and looks at us.

"Do you want to tell the pack or shall I do it?"

"I'll do it granny.' i tell her

She nods and walks out the door.

I get up and grab hold of Danny's hand.

"Well, you ready to meet my pack?" I ask.

"Only if your with me." He smiles.

I smile back and kiss him.

He kiss me back nice and sweetly.

I then pull back and smile.

"Come meet my pack." I say and start pulling him out the door.


Hey sorry its short, but i have writers block. Plus im trying to think of a middle. Can anybody guess where im going with the vampire group?

If you can guess it, i'll make you one of the characters.


xoxo XxdancerxX

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now