Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Danny's P.O.V

Running over to the South packs territory wasn't bad. I called asking to come over, and they said that I can speak to there new alpha female about an alliance. I was hoping for a yes, so that both of us can get rid of this vampire group soon. The lives of my pack and my mate were at stake.

I finally came into view of there pack house. The two guards who I know as Mike and Greg were waiting for me. They led me down a hall and up a flight of spiral stairs and towards the end of another hall.

In front of me was double doors leading to some room, with the old alpha female standing in front.

"I will see if she is up." She told me, then disappear behind the two doors.

So this was her room. I wondered if it was anything like mine. Then I thought it was, since alphas get the biggest and bestest rooms in the house.

The old lady came back out and looked at me and smiled. "She will see you now."

Geez she sounded like a nurse saying the doctor will see me. Well I could be going to the doctors, or hospital and I pissed off the new alpha female.

The South pack is really strong, and newly shifted werewolf are stronger for the first 2 weeks. So right now she was double as strong.

Slowly walking in I see her there standing with her back faced to me petting a gray wolf. She had midnight color hair that strangly familiar.

"So, you wanna be allies?" I finally asked.

She froze and then slowly turned around. It was my turn to freeze. There standing before me looking like a beautiful goddess was Sapphire.

My beautiful, goddess like mate was a werewolf, and an alpha werewolf at that.

"Danny? Your a werewolf too?" She asked.

I couldn't speak so I nodded.

She smiled a little then said," At least I don't have to worry about telling you"

I smiled too, "Yeah, not the way I wanted to tell you but it works I guess."

The wolf on the bed kept staring at me.

Sapphire follow my gaze, and smiled.

"Oh thats just Kyo, my wolf. Come here boy." She said.

Kyo came over towards me and looked up at me. I reach down and petted him.

"He likes you and I agree with his thought. I think we should be allies too." Sapphire said.

I looked up at her as she smiled. This was more news than I could ever take.

Not only was my mate a werewolf too, but now she agrees to join our two packs together.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now