Chapter 9

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Heyy sorry for the long wait, life started catching up with me.

Chapter 9:

Danny"s P.O.V

Dinner was going great. We were in a more private area, on my request. The food was amazing, and I was here with my goddess.

Everything was going well, until both our cell phones started ringing.

I excuse myself from the table and answer.

"This better be good, I was in the middle of something."

"Sorry alpha, but there an emergency that you need to hear, and not over phone."

I groan, "Fine, but this better be worth my time." I hanged up and went back to the table.

Sapphire was just getting off her phone when I sat down.

"Sorry 'bout that, it was a call from my family saying that they needed me."

She smiled,"Oh good...well not about there being a problem..but it won't be hard to explain that i got to go too. My granny called and said she needed me too."

I smile as I got up, "Maybe we can finish this another time then."

She smiled back and got up as well. "Yeah."

I help her into her jacket, and then pay the bill, then we headed out.

She stopped a second to talk to one of the waitress who ended up being one of the cheerleaders.

After they were done, we went out and got into my truck.

The ride back to her granny's was silent, but not the scary kind. The radio was playing some good rock music.

I pulled up in front of her granny's house. She paused before she got out.

"Danny..." I looked over at her just as she kissed me on the lips.

It was sweet and over to soon. "Bye, see ya soon."

With that she got out and headed towards the house.

I waited to make sure she was inside safely, cause I am a nice guy like that, then headed back to the pack.

What ever they needed me for, have better be good, or else they were in for a totaly pissed off alpha.

Sapphire"s P.O.V

I walked in the house and saw granny drinking her tea in her favorite chair.

"Ok, so what was the big emergency you called me about?"

She sat her tea down and then looked up at me. "Take a seat first dear."

I did as she told me and sat on the chair close to her.

"Sapphire dear, there some bad news."

"What is it?" I asked worried now. I hope she wasn't sick. She was all I had left for a family.

"There a group of vampires out around the area."


"Don't worry, I got your guards to watch out for us. Besides, i wanted you to stay the night, cause of the vampires, plus you"ll have your first shift sometime tomorrow morning." She said.

Thats right, tomorrow my 18th birthday and the first day I become a real werewolf. Plus we were going shopping for my birthday as well.

I nodded, "Ok granny, i"ll stay." She nodded and then got up.

"Well come on dear lets go off to bed. We got a big day tomorrow."

We headed up stairs, I kissed her goodnight before I went to my room I stayed in.

I srtiped down to just my bra and underwear. I didn't bother grabbing any night close. The bed sheets felt good on my bare skin, and they smelled just like lavenders.

Closing my eyes I started thing of how much fun I'll have tomorrow. I soon started dreaming of peaceful times.

Danny"s P.O.V

I was in my office pacing back and forth after the news my betta gave me.

"Are you sure the vampires are in this are?"

"Yes alpha, some of the guard wolfs have come back with the news this afternoon."

Well shit, now things are going to be difficult around here.

"Also, there word that two go to the local high school too."

That stopped me in my tracks.

Not only is there vampires in the area, but now there two of them that are so close to my mate. That pissed me off big time.

With out a word, I went to my room and slam the door so hard, it shook the whole house, and the house is a big one too.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now