Chapter 19

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Congratulation to ashleyhappyreader123 for guessing it right!!

But there will be some more surprises and some questions answered. So read and find out :)

 Pic of Hunter on the side plus song I listen to writing this chapter

Chapter 19

Hunter's P.O.V

Sitting at the top of the stairs, I listens to everyone talking. They were talking about how mom wasn't Sapphire's real mom, making her my half-sister. I didn't think much of it because me and Sap always looked like our dad, with the black hair and blue eyes.

They were talking about how I smelled 100% wolf and she smelled half. I heard Jake say that she was smelled part fay? What was that? Some kind of fairy?

I listen more to their conversation, mostly Jake explaining what a fay was and how there was two groups of them. Listening to his explanation, I couldn't help but think Sap's real mom would be a dark fay. I remember how she was years ago. She was a loner, never cared what people thought of her. She was called emo and a rebel, because she would always speak her mind and talk back to teachers that gave her a hard time. Which is why she my role model. We look and act alike.

The thing about the dark fays being evil was kinda hard to believe. I mean Sapphire looked evil to other people but she was actually sweet and caring, but she was mean to everyone else because she was hurt inside. It was during the time dad told us he was going to die. Sapphire tried to hide the pain and look strong for me, since I took it bad. But she doesn't know that I would follow her out to the woods and watch her cry ans she cut her wrist. I was to shocked to see her doing it, that I didn't have the strength to help her.

Not long after dad had died, mom said she was leaving to escape and couldn't bare to take us because of the pain of looking at dad's in our faces. So she sent me away to boarding school, and sapphire to live with granny. I remember the day the guy came and took me away.


It was a cold rainy day, which reflected how we were feeling.

Mr. Arnold was there taking to Sapphire as she cryed watching them pull me towards a black car.

"Please! No don't take him! He's my little brother!" She cryed watching me.

I was crying too, because I was being pulled by the one person who I truly loved and loved me back.

"Miss your only 17, you can't take care of him until your 18. Plus your grandmother can only take care of one of you, and your mother chose you to stay with her." The guy, Mr. Arnold said.

"Then when I'm 18 I want him back. I want him back so I can take care of him myself." I heard her tell him. "But until then let me say goodbye to him one last time." She begged.

He paused for a minute, then nodded. the man pulling me let me go and I ran to Sapphire. We hugged each other close not wanting to let go. after awhile she pulled back a little and took my face in her hands.

"We'll be together again one day. When I'm 18 I'm getting back and it'll just be you and me. We'll always be together, but until then I'm with you in here little brother." She said pointing to my heart.

That make me cry even more and we hugged again, until one of the guys said it was time to go.Sapphire kissed my forehead and slowly let go, our hands holding on a little bit longer.

the man led me to the car and shut the door. The driver started pulling away and I rolled my window down looking back.

"I'll be with you always." She called pointing to her heart.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now