Chapter 25

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Hey sorry for the long wait, I had finals to study for and family things going on. But now it's summer vacation and more chances to write.

Also go check out my new story I'm working on. The Huntress and the Alpha.


Chapter 25

Sapphire's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see Vlad staring at me with a big ol' smile. Cocking my head to the side, I look behind me and see nothing there.

Walking over towards him, I wave my hand in his face trying to get him to snap out of it. Finally he snapped out of it. He blinked a few times and looked up at me.

"What were you staring at?" I asked.

"You," like it was the most obvious thing.

I raised my eyebrows pushing him to explain.

He must of got my meaning because he moved his hand up and down towards my body. "Go look in the fountain." He told me.

Still not getting what he meant, I stilled listen and walked towards the fountain. When I looked in a gasp escaped my lips and I jump back a little.

Looking in again, I looked at the whole reflection. My long dress was no longer on me, instead a short strapless black dress that went to my knees was. My hair was longer, but the real shocker was that it had white in it. I mean it still looked good, it was just a shock. There was a small choker around my neck, and glancing down at my feet, I saw those ankle foot things. Glancing at my reflection again, I saw I had two black arm flow things. The biggest shock of all, where the two wings on my back. They were black with dark purple on the edges and small white sparkles. They looked ripped on the edges, but it still looked good.

Turning around, I saw Vlad giving a smile. "Know you see what I was staring at."

My mouth couldn't form words, so I only nodded. Know I know why he was staring. I transformed into my dark fey.

Just then, Eva and some strange man walked out in a hurry towards us. When they got closer, Eva's eyes widen when they saw me, while the man looked unfazed.

Eva finally gained control and bowed, "Princess we must get you ready for your coronation."

"And your mother wish to see you master," the strange man said to Vlad.

We both nodded and went our separate ways, me with Eva, and Vladimir with mystery man.

Back in my room, Eva prepped me and groomed me to no end. She styled my hair in a series of curls and hair jewels. My makeup was the same purple as always. The dress I wore was burgundy and was short in the front and long with a train in the back.

By this time I had already changed back and Eva was gushing about how beautiful I was and how my mother would be so proud. Once she was done preparing me, she placed my princess crown on my head and told me I should have my wings out. I followed her advice and let my wings pop out. They felt so happy to be out again they gave a little flutter.

There was a knock on the door, which Eva answered. It turned out to be Vlad, who now wore a black dress suit with a blood red tie. His hair was styled back. If you ask me, it looked like he was going to some fancy dinner party.

"Little sister, I believe your people are waiting." He said holding out his arm for me.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed his arm and we made our way down to the main foyer, with Eva and mystery man following suit.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now