Chapter 20

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okay so here is the next chapter. Hope ya'll like it!

Chapter 20

Danny's P.O.V

Sitting in my office, I was looking through all the paper work about the group of vampires in the area. All we know is that there only about two or three of them. We have yet to discover what they want or what they are looking for.

Groaning, I pushed the papers to the side and lean back in my chair closing my eyes. My thoughts started drifting on Sapphire. After the news of finding out who her mother was, should of been shocking, should being the key word. Instead she just sat there taking it all in. Even as we were all leaving, she seemed to be fine. No crying or disappointment on her face, just blank of any emotions.

The door open to my office and without looking I said. "Go away."

"Do you really want me to go away?" A all to familiar voice said.

Opening my eyes, I saw Sapphire standing there with a small smile.

"You look stressed babe." she said walking over and taking a seat in my lap. "What's wrong?"

Wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her chest, I breath out. "All this paper work on the vampires in the area, though I'm more worry about you. How are you feeling?" I pulled back and looked at her.

"About how my mother is Maurelle, queen of the dark fays? I don't know, I know I should be sad, but somehow I can't find it in me. It's like I knew who she was before anyone said anything, even with Lissa. It always felt weird calling her mom, but I just thought it was the fact that we didn't look alike and how she didn't understand me fully." She said looking out the window.

"I guess that would make sense, seeing how she is your mother." I looked down then back at her.

"You still want to meet her though, don't you?" She turned and looked at me, and the answer was in her eyes.

I sighed, " Just promise if you do go looking for her, you'll be careful?" I asked her.

She smiled then leaned down and pressed her lips to mine. "Thank you, Danny."

She got up and pulled me with her out the door.

Chuckling I asked, "Where are you dragging me?"

"To my house, awy from that paperwork." She told me as we walked out the front door.

"Is that why you came to the pack house? To tel me your plans and save me from paperwork?"

We were in her car by now and she didn't answer until she started to drive away.

"Well that, and Hunter want to talk to you. Mostly about werewolf stuff, seeing how I'm still new to it myself." She said.

I nodded and we fell in a comfortable silence.

When we got to her house, we walked in holding hands. Innside was Hunter on the floor laughing with a playful Kyo licking his face like a little puppy.The last time I saw Kyo was when I found out Sapphire was the new alpha of the South pack.

Hunter looked up when we entered and smiled. "Mom your back."

Confused, I looked behind to see if there mom walked in behind us. Only to see no one.

"He talking about me." Sapphire said in our mind link

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We were talking and I let it slipped that I always thought of him as my son and he thought of me as his mom." She replied.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now