Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Sapphire's P.O.V

Waking up to the smell of breakfast is not bad, but waking up to the smell of breakfast AND a killer pain is so not my thing. While I was walking down staires to the kitchen, I was trying to figure out what would cause all this pain. Granny was just laying out the plates when I came in. She smiled at first, then took a closer look at me.

"Killer pain going through your whole body." It wasn"t a question but i nodded anyways, since I was in so much pain.

"Ok well off to the living room, gotta move the table out of the way first." She said and led me to the room.

We both moved the coffee table and waited.

Granny had me sit in the middle of the floor. When I was about to speak, the pain took control. I fell back crying out in pain. It felt like iI was on fire and a fat ass dude was sitting on me. Suddenly my bones started popping and I began to shift. Hair was growing everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. My nails became longer and sharper. Along with my sence of smell and hearing. When the pain died down, I open my eyes.

Eveything seemed so different, so clear. I was on all fours in granny's living room. Looking over to where she was, I saw a tall mirror. Staring back at me was a big wolf, with midnight black fur, and dark blue eyes. I couldn't believe this, I was a wolf, a real live werewolf. Granny poked her head around the mirror and smiled at me.

"You look beautiful honey, but i don't think I can take a big wolf out for birthday shopping."

In my mind I smiled, then tryed to picture my old self. Slowly, the shift started happening.

When I stood up I was happy to find out I still had cloths on.

Granny came up and hugged me, "Happy birthday Sapphire."

I hugged her back, "Thank you."

My growling stomach was what broke us apart.

She just laugh and led me back to the kitchen.

"Eat up, got a long day today."

She didn't have to tell me twice, I started digging in before she even finished her sentence.

After a second plate, I ran upstairs to get dress.

When I came back down, granny had her purse and car keys in her hands.

"Let's go sweety," she said and open the door.

We got in her little blue smart car and headed to the mall. I first dragged her to a tattoo and body pierceing store. I wanted to get my nose pierced and find a new belly ring, along with getting a tattoo of a heart with my dad's name in it. After we were done with that, we headed to Hot Topic and I picked up one of there short purple mini dresses and some acceseries. Then to Victoria Secret for some new lingeries. I ended up getting a whole new wardrobe, shoes, boots, and alot of other things. We ended the day with a nice manis and padis.

Once back in her car, we started driving towards the woods. She mention that we were going to the packs house, where I am to become alpha female and live, but I still get to keep my old house for times when I want to be alone. the drive wasn't all that long, it ended in a clearing in the woods with a huge house. With my new ears, I could already hear alot of people from inside.

The two guys from yesterday were there at the door before we could open them.

"Good evening alpha Linda and new alpha Sapphire." The short one said.

"Hello boys," I said.

"Sapphire, this is Greg and Mark, your new guards." Granny told me as we walked inside.

Ah now I know there names. Greg was the tall one and Mark was the short one. They open the door to the house and led us in.

Everyone inside stopped and looked at us. I cought some of the whispers like:

"There alpha Linda..."

"Who's the new girl..."

"She looks kinda familiar...."

"Is she the one?......."

There was alot of that going on. It finally all stopped once we got to the center of the room were two big seats were at.

Granny turned to face everyone.

"Everyone, we know that my time as alpha female is up, and that our prevest alpha is gone. But I have us a new alpha female, my granddaughter Sapphire. The daughter of our fallen alpha."

Everyone stopped and stared at me with wonders. Then everyone started cheering.

"Long live alpha Sapphire!" Everyone cheered along with granny and Mark and Greg.

When the cheering died down, I let everyone contiune there former buisness. Everyone started moving except this one gray wolf. I forgot to meantion, there are real wolfs in the South pack. This one started to move towards me. It was like I seen this wolf before.

When it finally reached me, I held out my hand and rested it on top of it's head. The wolf closed it's eyes and did it version of a purr.Then it jumped up on the couch with me and layed it's head on my lap.

"Once in awhile a wolf will chose a werewolf it wants to be with. IT's like having a life longfriend that will all ways be there when you need one." Mark said.

Cool I get my own wolf.

"my name is Kyo," a voice inside my head said.

I looked down at the wolf who was called Kyo.

"Cool, so Kyo can you show me where my room at?" I thought to him.

He nodded and got up. I followed him down the hall up the starirs down another hall and stopped at the end in front of two big double doors.

I open the doors and saw my new room. Everything inside was purple along with the bed, which was a king-size baby!.

There was a cloudy glass door that led to the bathroom, and a big door on the other side of the room to a walk-in-closet.

The excitement was so much that I ended up falling asleep on my bed with Kyo.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now