Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Danny's P.O.V

I was running in the woods in my wolf form, I needed to run and so did my wolf. Running was something I did went I was angery or happy, and right now I was the happiest wolf there was. My beautiful goddess, said that she would see me tomorrow at practice.

It was then that my betta, John, voice rang in my head.

'Stop your crazy running and get back to the house. You needed for something.'

I groaned, 'On my way.'

Quickly turning around, I head back to the house were my pack lived.

Once I was back, everyone was going crazy, except for my btta. I walked over to him.

"What's happen?" I asked him looking at the others.

He looked at me for a second and then down at his feet, that wasn't a good sign.

"We recieved word from the pack that lives in this territory." He finally said.

My eyes widend. He was talking about the same pack that we been trying to form an alliance with, but there was word that there alpha had died and that his mate couldn't take on the job of the alpha female. The pack now goes under the order of the former alpha female.

"What the alpha female say?" I asked recovering my voice.

"She said she will leave the form of the alliance to her granddaughter. But I must say, her granddaughter is not of age yet." He said.

Well this is just great, now I have to wait until the girl of age then pronouce as the new alpha female of the pack, THEN ask HER if she wanted to form an alliance with us.

"When does she turn 18?" I asked.

That was when female werewolf first shift. While males first shift at 16.

"The alpha female said her granddaughter will come of age in two days." John said looking back up.

I nodded, then looked at my pack. All this over just one news? Well if I wasn't the alpha, I probably do the same thing.

Letting them go crazy for a few more seconds, then I decided it was enough of it.

"Ok enough already!" I yelled at the loud room.

Everyone stopped and looked at me.

Glaring at them, I started speaking.

"It is unacceptible to act this way over just one single message." I began.

"Alpha, the South pack is the strongest pack in all of south Florida, how could not." One of the pack member, Jo said.

"Yes I know they are strong, but we can wait a little bit longer to hear what there, soon-to-be aplha female say." I said to everyone, who all nodded.

"Now i don't want this to happen again. You can go back to whatever you were doing before the news." I said and walked away.

John turned and follow me all the way to my room.

"Call me if they act up again." I told as as I enter my room.

"Yes alpha," He bowed and left.

Running, I jumped up on the bed and layed down. Why did being alpha have to be so much work?

I closed my eyes dreaming of my goddess.

Sapphire's P.O.V

The dream was of me at my dance studio with me working on my dance for the show this coming spring, When a big, but some what small wolf came in. It had midnight black fur and pretty blue eyes similar to mine. Slowly I reached out to pet it. As soon as my hand touched it's head, the wolf turned into a reflection!

I woke up breathing hard, and my heart pounding. My body felt all hot and my face was all sweaty. Granny was there sitting on my bed rocking me back and forth like she always did when I was scared. I looked over at my clock to see that it was.....7:45?! I must have slept through the alarm and didn't hear granny come in.

"What was the nightmare about?" She asked in that sweet grandma's voice.

"I was dancing, then this big black wolf came in and it turned into me. It wasn't really a nightmare, it just took me by surprise that's all." I told her.

She was silent for a long time.

"Granny are you ok?" i asked looking up at her.

"Oh i'm fine dear, it just that you had the dream a little bit earlier. Plus I also have to tell you something." She said.

"What is it granny?" I asked.

She took my face in her hands again and looked at me.

"Sapphire, my dear dear Sapphire. Your a werewolf." She said looking me straight in the eyes.


Hey so what do ya'll think? Let me know if I should continue.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now