Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Sapphire's P.O.V

"A werewolf? Granny are you getting sick?" I asked getting up from the bed and pacing back and forth in my room.

"Yes you are a werewolf and so am I, and no I am not sick. I'm am telling you the truth dear."

I sigh and sat back down on the bed. "I know, your always right and you never lie...unless you have too."

She smiled and hugged me, "I know it's alot to take in, but there something else."

I looked up at her. "What else is there?" I asked confused.

"Your also the next alpha female of the pack." She finally said after minutes of silence.

I knew what she was talking about, I mean I did a paper on wolfs, with her help, last year.

Every wolf pack had a alpha male and alpha female, who was the alpha's male mate. The alphas were considered the leaders of the pack, and gave all the orders. Everyone obey the orders from the alphas, even the alpha female. I looked back at granny.

"So your telling me that not only am I a werewolf, but i'm its new alpha female too?"

She nodded, then explained. "The South pack, which is our pack, is the strongest werewolf pack in south Florida. Our family have been the alphas of the pack since the begining." She began. "All werewolf, along with wolfs, have a soul mate, or as we call them mates."

"So since you told me that Danny could be me soul mate, he's actually my mate. The one i'm suppose to be together with forever." I said trying to get it all together. "And that my parents are the alphas of the pack."

"Well they were, until your father died. Your mother couldn't deal with the job of alpha female alone, so she left me as the alpha female until it was your time to take over the pack." She told me. "And yes i believe this Danny boy is your true mate. And you must tell him that your a werewolf, and that ya'll are mates."

"Granny, I just met the guy. What you want me to say. 'Oh hey Danny, even though we know each other for a day or so, I got to tell ya that i'm a werewolf and your my mate.' Yeah that won't sound crazy at all!." I said loosing my calm.

"Don't be so sure, i'm sure Danny will be surprised, but not to crazy to him." She said still calm as ever.

"Granny don't go all wise woman on me okay. You just told me something that change my whole life!" I said glared at her.

"Sorry, but it won't change your life a whole lot. You won't be a true werewolf until your first shift. Which happens to be on your birthday." She slowly looked away.

"What?! My birthday?! Granny please don't make me even more stress than i'm already am." I said sitting back down on the bed.

She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me back and forth.

"It's ok thats all that needs to be said. I desided since you already had that dream of that wolf turning into you, I thought i tell you now instead of your birthday. So that way you and I can have a fun day on your 18th birthday, then telling all that stuff again." She said.

I smiled, even though she can make a person mad or stress, it's always hard to stay mad at her.

"The only thing that will happen is that you'll first shift that day, mainly in the morning, and then I introduce you as the new alpha female." She said.

Ok she was really starting to crush my calm state again.

"And plus I saved this very important task for you to take as your first as alpha female."

"Uh granny how about we forget all this werewolf stuff for right now, and go out to dinner cause i'm starved." i said getting up.

She laugh and got up too. "I think thats a good idea dear." We headed out to her car and drove off to our favorite country resturant.

* The next day after school* (a/n: i desided to skip the school day, and go straight to the football practice)

Danny's P.O.V

We were just starting warm-ups when I saw Sapphire and her friend, who I guess was Honey walked onto the track. When she saw me, she gave me a smile and two thumbs up. That made my heart, and my wolf, very very happy. Thats was when Cole jogged over to me.

"Hey Danny, you are a very lucky man." He said

I still had my eyes on Sapphire who met up with a group of girls all in tanks and shorts, and sneakers.

"Not only do you get to watch the cheerleaders practice, but you also got the head cheerleader Sapphire attention. Dude no one could get her attention for two years!" Cole said sounding a bit happy and a bit sad.

"Wait Sapphire is a the head cheerleader. Which means she's at all the football games too?" I asked, now my life was really getting better.

"Cheering us, well mostly you, on to win the games bro." He laugh as he said it. "But anyways, we better start before coach gets mad at us."

We both took off running to join the others.

Practice went by so fast, and the coach ended up congradulating me, along with the rest of the team.

I ran over to were the cheerleaders were. I saw Sapphire talking to Honey, and ran over to her. She turned around and smile again when she saw me.

Unable to control myself, I picked her up in a big hug. That make her laugh and hug me back.

"Wow danny you were great out there." She said after I placed her back on the ground.

"Thanks, it was actually fun." i said smiling back.

"Well how about I take you out to celebrate your first practice." She said getting a little red in the face. She looked so sexy when she blushed.

"Thanks I love to. Only if I pick you up and pay." I said. Letting a girl pay for your dinner and pick you up was so not cool.

She laugh, "Only if you walk me back to my car."

"I can do that." i said giving her my best grin.

That made her blush more.

The walk to her car was silent but not bad. We did end up brushing our arms up against each other, sending spaks between us.

Oh yeah, she is so my mate. I can't wait until I tell her and introduce her to my pack.

When we finally reached her car, we both didn't move. She kept looking down at the ground, while I looked at her.

"Well thanks for walking me to my car, and i'll see you tonight." She said finally looking up.

"I'll pick you up at 8." i said then lean down and kiss her.

it wasn't a real long one, but it was sweet and she did kiss me back which really made me happy. I'm just one happy dog today.

She pulled back and open her car door and got in. "See you tonight Danny." She said and then started her car and drove away.

And the trap snaps shut.


Heyy ya'll sorry to say this, but I won't be able to upload it for awhile. i'm going on a 3 weeks vacation with my family. i'll try to upload more before I leave and hopfully while i'm away. But in the mean time, vote, comment. I love all ya'll who loves my story.

♥ XxdancerxX

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