Ch 16 part 1

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Ok i know it been forever ago that i last uploaded on anything, but now i found the time to do it. I had had family issues and high school all on my plate. But now i'll treat you guys by uploaded both stories and possibly write a new one!

Hope you enjoy.




Chapter 16

Sapphire's P.O.V

I woke up the when my phone went off. Looking at the caller I.D i saw it was Honey.

"Why did you call so early Hon?" I asked half asleep.

I felt the bed shift and looked over to see Danny still asleep with his arms around me. Funny how i didn't notice it until now. Plus it's a good thing he dosen't snore, then he be sleeping somewhere else.

"I called you cause your going to be late to school if you don't book it. And if you miss school today, you can't cheer at the big game tonight." Honey answer back.

I sat up. "WHAT?! Hon you didn't have the time to remind me this?" I got up out of bed causing Danny to jump up.

"What? What wrong?" He asked looking around the room for danger. Aww he so cute how he protective and worries about me.

He calmed down once he saw i was ok and on the phone.

"Go get dressed we got school." I told him.

His eyes got wide and he booked it to the shower. Huh, I wonder if he remember his big game tonight. I though.

"Who was that you talked too?" Hon asked.

Damn, i forgot she had good hearing.

"No one you need to worry about."

"Sapphire! You didn't have sex with some one last night did you. Ohhh do i have to buy another test for you?" I sighed. Honey always buys me a damn pregnancy test everytime i have sex, even when i told her i use the rubber. Shit who would like to pee on a plastic stick to see if there prego or not.

"No Honey you do not. Shit I didn't even do it." I told her just as Danny walked out with just a towel around his waist. I got a good look at his nice abs. Before i started to drool, i mean really it a fine ass body, I turned around.

"Be there soon kay?"

"Ok Sap, see you later." She hung up then.

"Was that Honey?" Danny asked.

Werewolf hearing, you can love it or you can hate it. I nodded though as i started pulling out my clothes.

"Yeah she was reminding me of school, and that your big game was tonight." I smiled.

"Shit thats tonight!" He slapped his hand to his forhead. Made a loud smack sound, but i don't think he noticed.

Hehe he forgot too. I thought i was having a blonde day again. Yes i do have blonde moments and days, since i was blonde when i was young but then it turned dark as i hit 5th grade.

"Yea so lets go big boy, so you can go play. Besides football players and cheerleaders get out of class early on game days anyways." I told him.

"He smiled and picked me up bridal style. "Ok, but i'll carry you down to the car." He said as he started running.

Good thing it wasn't like Twilight to where everything was a blur, since i was a werewolf everything was clear as day.

We reched the truck in a minute and the school in three. Damn i swear we'll get a speed ticket one day.We both ran inside and made it before the bell. We saw Honey and Zack coming towards us.

"Come on, cheerleaders and football players have a free day to help people get ready for the big game tonight.."She said.

"Yay, we get to paint posters!" I loved this part of being a cheerleader, that and cause i get a great feel from it too. But i love to paint, i even have an art room in the old office. For us to paint posters we go to the art room cause the art teacher is our coach. So the girls hang out in the art room, and the boys in the boy's locker room with the coach.

We all went to the art class to paint. Oh yeah, we girls are evil by having the guys help us with the posters by having them hang them up and we tell or direct them how to. It's gets on there nerves but were all laughing about it later. We are just one big happy family.

Wait until it tiome for the senior prank, all the seniors on the cheer and football team all talked about what we were going to do.


Ok sorry if its too short for you guys right now, but ill upload the rest later in the day or tomorrow. I got a big plan and story line for this story. you may love it, or you may hate it at first though, but just bare with me on it though ok?

Thank you

But please




Thank a million,

Love ya all


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