chapter 13

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Sooooo sorry for the long wait, but here i am now uploading YAY!!!

Chapter 13:

Danny's P.O.V

It was still a living shock that i was still in one piece. I mean i just came here to find out if we had a deal or not, but instead not only do i get an alliance with the South pack, but my mate, my goddess like mate, is there new alpha female!

Now i'm on my way downstairs to meet her pack. I was begining to dout myself, the Soth pack is the strongest and toughest pack out there. What if i dont meet there view of a great alpha.

Back in the main foyer, Sapphire led me over to two sets of love seats. Everyone quiet down and turned to face her. Oh another thing, the South pack is also good at falling rules and orders, but unlike the rest of us, they make there own rules. Others packs have tried to do the same, but the end result was terrible.

Sapphire gave me a quick smile before addressing her pack.

"We all now that I haven't been your alpha long, but it does bring me joy to say that our pack can grow stronger through our new alliance with the Tiger pack." She stopped and looks at me, then reach for my hand.

"Also, there alpha just happens to be my mate." I smile when she call me her mate.

Everyone then breaks out into cheers. There finally getting a new alpha. The two alphas are consider the "Mother and Father" of a pack. This pack been without a 'father' for two or three years now.

After Sapphire dismiss them back to there own thing, her granny, as she calls her, came up towards me.

"Danny i think its time you tell your pack the news." She then leans too where only i can hear."And take Sapphire with you for the night, me and the rest of the pack are planning a late surprise party for her." She said.

I nodded and pulled Sapphire towards the door, but before we could leave, she stopped and turned towards the hallway. Not long after did i see Kyo appear coming up to us. I understood. Kyo was Sapphire's bonded wolf. A wolf that willl be there for her when i'm not around. Thats what bonded wolfs are like. A life long friend that will never leave.

I smiled at him, then led them out to the clearing. Once in the clearing I turned to face her.

"We'll go in our wolf form from here. It's not that far in that form." I told her.

She smiles then nods, next thing i hear is the sound of her bonnes popping. I start changing too.

When i open my eyes, I see a beautiful black wolf with pretty blue eyes.

'thank you, so are you' i hear her voice in my head.

Not compared to her, I was a browish gray color wolf with brown eyes.

I give her a mental eye roll and point in a direction. 'This way'

We all start running through the woods. About 5 minutes of running, we reach a familiar clearing.

'Stop, we change back here.' I send to her. I can see her nod in my head as we both start to shift back.

I grabbed her hand and led her and Kyo towards my pack home. Once I open the doors, my whole pack froze. I led Sapphire and Kyo to the center of the room. I glanced around the place to make sure i had everyones attention.

"We all know i left to go talk to the South pack new alpha female for her answer to our question." I stopped and smiled at Sapphire, she smiled back.

"They said yes, but in this i found my mate, who also happen to be there alpha female." I finished.

Everyone gaspedand then looked towards mine and sapphire's joined hands, then the clapping and cheering broke out. when the clapping and cheering died, i led Sapphire down a hallway.

"Come, let me saw you where you'll be staying tonight." I winked at her pulling her into my bedroom.

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now