Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Taryn Bell

New story i'm working on :]

*pic is Sapphire*

Chapter 1:

Sapphire's P.O.V

Ugh, Monday and the first day of school too. I groaned as my damn alarm went off.

Reaching out a hand, i picked it up and threw it at the wall which cause it to shut up.

The sound of my mother yelling at me to stop throwing things never came. Thats when i remembered.

My father died two years ago, so my mom left to travel around the world, leaving me behind on my own.

Grandma have been begging me to move in with her, but I said I could handle living on my own.

She stopped begging, but she does help pay the bills, and I visit her everyday after school.

I chose that time to get my lazy ass out of bed and get ready.

In my closet I found a blue tank top, short shorts, and my favorite black boots with the heel to them.

Next i worked on crunching my hair and then applied my make-up.

Grabbing my keys, I ran down stairs grabbed a breakfast bar and out to my car.

When i got to school, I could see my best friend Honey waiting for me.

Yes, her real name is Honey, and she loves it. Why, I do not know.

"Sapphire Nicole Summers, how could you sleep in on our first day of senior year?" She demanded.

"1: I didn't sleep in, and 2: it's still school no matter what year where in." I told her as I walked up to her.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. "Whatever, let's just get to class before were late."

Honey been this way ever since she was grounded for having detention for tarys.

I managed to pull my arm from her grip.

"Hon, i gotta go to the office first. I'll see you in class."

She nodded as i turned the other way.

"Make sure you get a note, before leaving." She called.

I gave her a thumbs up over my shoulder, meaning I got her message.

Once I got to the office, I saw the principal, who looked up at me.

"Ah, Sapphire, just the person i wanted to see."

Great, what did I do now? Wait I didn't do anything, it was the first day of school duh.

He led me into his office where I saw a boy I never seen before, sitting in a chair.

"What did you need sir?" I asked after taking another look at the dude, who was very hot by the way.

"I want you to be our new transfer student guid." he gesture towards the boy.

So he was new.....wait, what, be his guid? Who the hell does this man think I am?

"Danny, I like you to meet Sapphire. She will be your new guid around the school. Anything you have a question about, just ask me or Sapphire." He told him.

Before I could say anything he dismissed us.

Great, how could my life get any worse than it is now.


heyy i'll upload the rest later,

when i have more time to write it.

So thanks to all who likes it :]

My Crazy, Beautiful Life ~(Book 1)~ *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now