I. New Neighbour

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I jogged down the streets from college to my house, in an attempt to get there as fast as I could. My college was really close to my house, so I always walked there. I was really happy today, happier than I usually was. The reason being that I was seeing my best friend in the whole entire universe today. Her name is Alyssa.

She was one of the most beautiful girls you'd ever come across. Jet black hair which curl towards the end, hazel eyes and an amazing sense of style. She had specks which added to her cuteness. Also she's one with an insanely witty and quick mind. And she was the only one who knew the real me, in front of whom I let my whole guard down. The one with whom I am at my most vulnerable.

I, on the other hand, have jet black hair, just like her, but they are straight. I have dark brown eyes. I also have a small tattoo, a smiley (A/N: the kind in Louis' signature) on my wrist. It reminds me to smile always, no matter how hard the situation is.

Alyssa was out of town for a month as she had gone for a vacation with her parents. She was making a late appearance at college this year. And she came back here yesterday, so we obviously decided to meet up.

I ran up stairs to my room, dropped my bag, used the loo and ran out of my house, down the next block to where she lived. She opened the door before I could even knock and tackled me in a hug.

"You're hugging me!" I mused, hugging her back just as tight. Alyssa wasn't someone who hugged people. If she hugs you, you've done something really amazing. It's like an honour.

"Of course, you idiot! I missed seeing your ugly face." She dead panned, making me laugh out loud. It had been ages since I laughed this hard. Only Alyssa had the ability to make me laugh at any given time of the day.

She beckoned me in and I was greeted by her mom. We chatted for a bit before Alyssa dragged me to her room.

"Now tell me what's wrong." She said, suddenly turning serious.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Haley, how long have I known you?" She asked me.

"Since diapers, why?" Now I was extremely confused.

"Exactly. Now after all these years, do you think I'm stupid enough not to realise that something is bothering you?" She asked me, her eyebrows raised.

God bless this girl for existing.

"Oh yeah, that. I momentarily forgot about it. Well....the same old story. They went without telling me again." I sighed. She immediately understood whom I was talking about.

"Haley, I know it's hard for you, but you need to tell them. Talk to them or something. This can't go on like that. You're their daughter, for fuck's sake! You should be their number one priority!" She spoke up, her tone laced with frustration.

"I know...but I just can't bring myself to say it to them. I've tried it before and all it got us into was a fight. I don't want it to happen again." I said sadly.

"You're too nice, Haley. Even to those who don't deserve it. I know they're your parents, but that's no way they should treat their daughter." She shook her head.

"You say, how was your trip?" I asked her, trying to change the topic. She gave me a long look and then she sighed. She knew she couldn't possibly do anything about my situation except for trying to help me out.

"Spain was amazing. I had always wanted to go there! It was lovely, Haley! And god I missed you so much! I even bought you a gift." She smiled, before rummaging through her bag and removing it.

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