XI. The Sleepover (Part 2)

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Please take care of the POV changes in this chapter. There's quite a few as I need both of their feeling to get across at a given point of time. :) x


"Hey, Niall? Do you, erm, do you mind if I sleep here tonight?" she asked me and it took me a few seconds to process what she said.

Today morning, Haley's parents had come home in the middle of our sleepover and I knew shit was going to get real bad. I was proved right when Haley came crying to my house. I didn't say anything, just consoled and took care of her the best I could, just like I promised myself and her that I would.

Each tear that she shed, shattered my heart even more. I hated seeing her cry. I wanted to fight away all the sorrows that she had, but I could do nothing except console her, in that moment. Each sob that left her mouth, rattled me to the very bone of my body. It hurt real bad just to see her cry, I couldn't imagine how much it must be hurting her to be experiencing it.

While I was getting her to eat some food, I caught her staring at me a few times. The very idea of it made me feel kind of satisfied with myself, and extremely happy.

But that wasn't the highlight of the day, oh no. What shocked me beyond limits was the fact that she spilled everything about her family to me. Every single thing she had to say about them. I was shocked, worried, and paying rapt attention to all that she had to say, but most importantly, I was elated. Elated that she was finally opening up to me. And I'm pretty sure that showed in my eyes cause she looked at me funny for a few seconds.

When I failed to answer her completely innocent question, she started rambling. To be honest I was going to suggest she stayed the night at my house.

"I mean...I, uh, I don't exactly want to go back when my parents are still there and-"

"Of course you can stay, Haley. I was going to suggest it myself." I smiled at her, cutting her off.

She gave me a small smile in return, followed by a tight hug as a thank you.

"Come on, I'll get you some clothes to change into." I told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as I led her to my room.

I made my way to my closet as she stood there, admiring whatever my room contained. Although she had helped me move the boxes in around 3 months ago, she never really entered my room. She saw a guitar at a corner of my room and asked, "You play?"

"Yeah, I can play a few songs on that." I shrugged.

"Would you play for me sometime?" She whispered the question, almost as if she was too afraid to ask.

"Definitely." I said, without even hesitating.

That was the first thing that brought a full smile on her face the whole day, even though it was only for a few seconds. I was just glad I could make her smile that wide, given the conditions today.

I rummaged through my closet, finally removing a t-shirt of mine and boxers, and handing it to her.

She thanked me one more time, adding it to the million times she's already thanked me today, and I told her, yet again, that I'd do it for her any day, and that she doesn't have to thank me. She smiled, before I pointed towards the bathroom door so that she could change.

She came out a few minutes later, and I, with every ounce of my being, had to stop myself from running up to her and kissing her senseless. She looked beyond beautiful in my clothes. And that was where I finally admitted to myself, the things I had been avoiding to think about all this time, to accept all this time, that I liked Haley. I liked her a lot, in fact.

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