Throwbacks and First Aid (Niall's POV)

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I remember promising FiannaHoran that I would write this in Niall's point of view, so here it is! One shot/deleted scene #1!


I was bored. It had been three days since I had spent Christmas with Haley, Michael and his girlfriend, Hannah and now I had nothing to do because Haley was hanging out with Alyssa and I was too lazy to get up from the couch on a perfect winter late afternoon. The only thing that kept my mind occupied was Haley's question: What was it like to be loved? I would be lying if I told you that the thought didn't keep me up all night when she first asked me.

I was baffled to say the least. Baffled because that was the first time she openly displayed her sadness. It was all in her eyes, and it was shocking and heartbreaking at the same time. I had no idea what to respond to her then, I still don't. Such a simple question, but such a complicated answer. I thought about it a little more, but then when my brain decided it had had enough, I decided to go out for a walk.

It was cold, but pleasant. Snow covered houses and trees, children having snowball fights and making snow angels, you know, the basic stuff. A light breeze was blowing, but there was sun shining, surprisingly, to balance with the warmth. All in all, it was turning out to be a good day, right up until I reached my neighbourhood, where I could see an all too familiar figure standing in front of Haley's house, and immediately my cheerful mood turned sour.

"Did you not understand when I told you not to come here ever again?!" I growled and he turned to look at me. For a split second, his eyes widened and I saw the horrified look in them, but that quickly faded away and was replaced by a mischievous glint and a sickening, borderline psychotic grin formed on his face.

"I came to visit Haley. I've missed her pretty face, ya know?" Aaron flashed his pearly whites at me. The pearly whites I was gonna knock off his mouth if he dared to provoke me more than he already had.

"The same pretty face that has constantly told you to stay away from her. How many times does someone have to tell you that she doesn't want anything to do with you!" I said through gritted teeth, my patience running out.

"Ah, but how can I stop myself from seeing her? That pretty face with such a beautiful body. Those plump and kissable lips...and oh my god, don't even get me started on how good she would be in bed. Just imagine, her naked body pressed against mi-" I didn't let him finish the sentence as I punched him square in the face.

I was seething with anger. How dare he? How are he?! How dare he say those things about Haley? I was fuming. All I could see was red. My punch threw him to the ground and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him, landing in punch after punch as I emphasised on every word I uttered next, "Don't. You. Dare. Say. That. Ever. Again."

I didn't know how long this went on. We were hitting each other left, right and centre. He managed to land in a few punches to my face too, before someone intervened and broke our fight up. Thankfully he didn't call the cops on us. He warned us not to start all over again, but we didn't have to. My death stare to Aaron was enough indication for him to stay the fuck away from this place and Haley.

The guy made sure Aaron left and a few minutes later, I saw Haley walking towards me. When she saw my bloodied face, her eyes widened as she ran up to me, demanding to know what happened. I didn't want her to know, but I eventually gave her a hint about what happened and she went off on me, scolding me for fighting with that little piece of shit. I was in a little pain, but I still found her scolding me adorable. She decided to take me to her house to clean my wounds up.

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