XXIV. An Asshole Returns

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Me and Niall have been working on writing Fools Gold for a day or two now, and so far, we've only managed to get a chorus which would do justice to the melody. The chorus is amazing, though. It hits you straight in the feels and it's perfect in my opinion. I'm hoping we get to be able to finish the song soon.

Today after college, I, as usual, walked up to the coffee shop for my shift. I was surprised to see Liam there, sitting at a booth. He smiled at me as soon as he saw me.

"How come you're here, Liam?" I chuckled as I gave him a hug.

"Got a date with Addy. She'll be here in a bit." He told me, his cheeks tinged red and I cooed at the cuteness.

I took my place at the counter and Harry came out to greet me, hugging me tight and then heading back into the kitchen. Soon enough, Addy came in and she and Liam were having a great time.

I was busy with my shift. There was a lot of rush at the cafe today. I hadn't had a moment's rest. I even skipped break because we had to attend to so many customers. I can only imagine what must be happening to everyone in the kitchen. Rush was a good thing, though. It was fun to work even if it tired us all out.

I was so busy working on the counter that I didn't even realize the person next on the counter was the one I'd been dreading to meet all this time. I could recognize his voice even in my sleep. I looked up with wide eyes to see Aaron smirking at me from the other side of the counter.

"Welcome to Mason's, what would you like to order?" I put on my best fake smile as I spoke in a cheery tone.

"I'd like a frappé with a side of you, please." He smirked and I literally cringed, I didn't even hide it.

"One frappé coming right up for?" I feigned innocence, ignoring his comment.

"Oh come on, babe. You know me, how can you forget all the times we've been together?" He had the audacity to say that.

"Listen, I'm not your 'babe', and as far as I can recall, I've never been with you. Your order has been placed, now if you could move aside, I have other customers to attend to." I spoke in a monotone.

"Really Haley? You're gonna be like this?" He said to me, and I was just seconds away from punching his face when Liam came to my rescue.

"Is there a problem here?" He pointedly looked at Aaron, calmly asking him to back off with his eyes.

Just then, Harry walked out of the kitchen and saw Aaron in front of me, his eyes immediately burning with anger. Once Aaron saw Harry, he tensed.

"No, absolutely nothing at all." Aaron mumbled before retreating back to a table.

"He didn't give you a hard time, did he?" Liam asked me.

"No, it's fine. Go back to Addy, Liam." I smiled before lightly pushing him back from the counter.

"You sure everything's okay?" Harry asked me, eyeing Aaron as he spoke to me.

"Positive, Harry." I gave him a reassuring smile and we both resumed work.

Harry kept coming out from time to time, checking to see if Aaron was causing any trouble. In fact he himself went to give Aaron his order and said a few words to him in the process.

The shift went by smoothly after that. Aaron didn't leave though, he kept sitting in his place, taking his sweet little time to finish that stupid frappé he'd ordered. He kept sending me smirks and raised eyebrows throughout my shift and it was agitating. I ignored his presence after the first hour.

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