XXXII. Run Away

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It has been a few weeks since my parents called me to invite me to spend some time with them in Toronto. Everyday I thought about it, but I couldn't seem to decide whether I should go or not.

Their offer surprised me. It was odd that after so many years my parents now wanted to finally try and reconnect with me. Not that I didn't appreciate it, I just needed time to process all of this.

Today me and my friends had planned to go to an amusement park. It had been a while since we all hung out together and the Sun was shining bright today, an unusual sight for a usually cloudy Manchester.

I put on my favourite black skinny jeans, a white sleeveless t-shirt with a red and black flannel over it. I tugged on my converse, brushing through my hair, leaving them to fall past my shoulder. I put on mascara and some lip balm and I was ready to go.

I was greeted by Niall at the junction of our houses. I sent him a smile and he pulled me into a hug. He was wearing a white sweatshirt with the number 39 written on it in black and black skinny jeans. He looked dashing.

"Ready to go?" He grinned at me and I nodded, smiling at him.

I was excited for today.

I moved towards my car, Niall close behind. I slipped inside the driver's seat while Niall claimed shotgun. We were using mine and Liam's car for it was quite drive to the amusement park. We were all supposed to meet up at Mason's Cafe first and then drive off to our destination.

I turned on the radio and The Sound by The 1975 was playing. I grinned, turning the volume up slightly as me and Niall sang along until we reached the Cafe. Inside, almost everyone had arrived barring Mia and Danielle. I rolled my eyes. They had a knack of showing up late.

As we got out of the car and walked to join them, I saw Louis and Eleanor laughing about something, probably a joke Louis made. Harry, after a lot of insisting on his part, had finally managed to convince Alia to join us. I gave her a wide grin as she spotted me, waving my hello. This was probably the first time she'd met all of our friends, and she seemed to be getting along well with them all. I was happy about this.

Addy and Liam were chatting animatedly with Logan and Connor was busy showing Alyssa something on his phone. Luke, Alyssa's boyfriend, couldn't make it because he was out of town with his family. We walked up to our group joining them as Alyssa handed me my coffee and cupcakes for Niall that I had asked her to get for me while we got here.

"Thanks, Al." I smiled gratefully and she waved it off with a grin of her own.

A few more minutes spent in the cafe after Mia and Danielle finally showed up, we were off for the park. They both gave us a sheepish smile for being late and I bit back a retort when Alyssa told me it was not worth it.

Niall, Harry, Alyssa, Alia, Logan and Connor were coming with us in my car while Liam, Addy, Louis, Eleanor, Mia and Danielle were going with Liam in his car. Louis wasn't all too happy with being stuck with Mia and Danielle's constant bickering. I could feel his pain.

Within half an hour we had reached the amusement park. The minute Liam arrived with the rest of the bunch, Louis immediately ran out of the car and came to hug me with such force, I almost fell down.

"I can truly feel your pain." Louis groaned quietly and I laughed.

"I got you, Louis." I patted his back lightly and slowly he pulled back, giving me a huge grin and then walking up to Eleanor, swinging his arms around her.

We checked in at the ticket counter and in no time, we were standing in front of our first ride.

"You seriously want to start off with a rollercoaster?" A slightly pale Alia asked Louis, who had picked the ride.

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