XIV. Embarrassment

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Important A/N in the end. Enjoy this gif in the meanwhile ❤️


The morning after the gala, I woke up with a start. Was I just imagining things or did Haley really kiss me last night? She had absolutely no idea since how long I had wanted to do that. Her grandmother got on my nerve and i did what I should've done to defend Haley, and in return, I got kissed. Best thing ever.

The feel of her lips on mine was something out of this world. I knew she'd feel weird later and that she might act a little distant because of it, but I didn't mind. That kiss was enough to last a lifetime.

Her lips were so soft and I could feel the kiss wake every single cell in my body. It was surreal. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, when I kissed her, or rather when she kissed me by complete surprise.

The next morning, we both decided to have a study session together. As promised, I never mentioned the kiss and neither did she, but that doesn't mean I didn't crave it more than ever.

Suddenly she turned to look at me and our eyes locked. I was pretty sure she was rewinding the moment we had last night, just like me. And I, without thinking what I was doing, started inching closer towards her. I thought she would pull away, but to my utter surprise, she didn't.


I could see Niall come closer and closer. I knew we were about to kiss. Honestly, I couldn't get the feel of his lips on mine out of my head. I was instinctively being closed off to Niall a bit, but I really couldn't help thinking about it. It was intoxicating and I was itching to kiss him again, against my better judgement.

However, we both snapped out of our moment seconds later, suddenly, when Niall's laptop started making a sound, both of our cheeks reddening even more. Upon looking, we found that it was a Skype call and Niall's mum was calling him. I don't know why I was disappointed at this, but I hoped it wasn't visible in my features.

I looked at him, silently asking if he needed privacy but he held my hand, making me stay put. He pressed answer and his mum popped up on the screen.

"Hey mum, how are ya?" He smiled at the screen as I watched him speak to his mum. His eyes lit up and a wide smile was on his face. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"Hey, Ni. I'm good, I'm good. What about you?" I heard her say. I was still hidden from the view of his mum so she didn't see me.

"I'm great! Me and Haley were just working on our assignments." He informed, turning the laptop so even I was visible now.

"Hello, Maura! It's so lovely to see you again." I smiled at her. She had insisted I called her Maura, so I respected that.

"Same here, Haley. Do you have glasses?" She asked me, since the last time I hadn't worn them.

"Oh no, it's...it's a thing between me and Niall. We both wear glasses when we're studying." I told her, an involuntary blush creeping up on my cheeks as I looked at Niall.

She nodded in understanding, "I hope you're taking care of my son over there. Niall is a crazy boy, you know?" She chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh along. I looked at Niall and he wore an offended look on his face, cheeks red yet again, but I could tell it was playful.

"Yeah. He is a tough one." I giggled, and he raised his eyebrows at me, amused.

The next thing that followed was completely unexpected, he started tickling me. I wasn't ready for the attack as I laughed out loud, begging for Niall to stop.

"So I'm the 'tough one', huh?" He asked me as he continued to tickle me while I attempted to swat his arms away. Only when his laptop was about to fall off did he stop, while I focused on catching my breath.

"Aww, how long have you two been together?" Maura asked from the other end of the screen and as soon as she uttered the question, I literally choked, my eyes bulging out of my sockets.

Niall too was staring wide eyed at the screen, our cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.

"Mum...not yet, ah, I'm not...we're not-" He tried to explain but he was too stunned to form any coherent sentences.

"We're not, um, I...we both- we're not together..." I finally managed to say it, still blushing deep red. Niall only silently nodding his head, his features frustrated and tired, as if he wasn't happy with what was happening.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, you two! I thought...the way you guys were behaving, I thought you both were together. I'm really sorry." Maura apologised, her eyes darting to Niall as if trying to ask him a silent question, who had been really quiet. To be frank, he looked miserable.

"No, it's fine. I understand." I cleared my throat, giving her a small smile.

"I have to go now, you both take care, yeah?" She gave us a smile before waving a goodbye and ending the call.

For quite an amount of time, we both sat there quietly, staring at the screen, trying to process what the fuck just happened.

"I'm, uh, sorry 'bout my mum...she, um, well- you know..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his neck, his expression unreadable.

"Nah, it's alright. We cleared it out, didn't we?" I spoke, my voice tight for some reason unknown to me.

I looked in his eyes and for the first time, I saw disappointment in them, even if it was for a split second.

"Yeah, we did." He gave me a tight smile, and I knew it was forced.

"I guess I'll get going. I have stuff to do." He announced. My mood deflated just as he spoke. I merely nodded in response.

He grabbed his laptop and the books, got up, gave me a small smile, which was again, forced and walked out of the backyard to his house.

I was still too shocked by his mum's words to get up and get going. When she said it, Niall spoke in broken sentences, and I replayed the whole thing back in my head.

It was then that I had caught on a detail, which I had no clue that I had missed. I almost dropped my laptop from the shock that followed. My heart picked up speed as I tried to soak in what he had said.

Not yet.

Not yet.

What was that supposed to mean?


Okay I know this chapter is very very short, probably the shortest one for this book and I made you wait a lot for it but it's supposed to be this way.

I'm lmaoing at Maura omg 😂

Anyways I had to tell you guys that updates will now be slower because of my studies, which is giving me less than no time to write. I'm sorry guys, but please bear with me on this.

Your support has been immensely motivating and thank you so much for all the love you've given this book. ❤️

Vote and comment and feel free to leave me a message on my message board or inbox cuz I'll reply to every single one of it :)

Much love,

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