XXII. Snow

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Big love to itsvaish cuz she inspired the character of Valerie!


It was a week into New Years now, with Alyssa's birthday passing just yesterday. We threw her a surprise party, she loved it. It was a lot of fun, and Alyssa was laughing and smiling all evening, so that sums it up.

Today we were supposed to be in college, but classes for the day got cancelled because of the heavy snowing last night. It was morning right now, and I was lounging on my couch, wearing my favourite oversized sweater and black leggings.

Today afternoon, I was going to go and meet two of my friends, Valerie and Scott and Niall was tagging along with me. They were a couple who I adored to death. They have a relationship which you could easily compare to a fairy tale.

I remember Valerie telling me how they both met. It just so happened that Valerie and Scott were attending the same classes and Scott was a new kid. For Scott, it was love at first sight. He had seen Valerie standing and talking to her friend while he was just entering on his first day at class and immediately developed a crush on her.

Scott is a shy person, not really talking to people too easily. But he saw Val was dealing with a few problems in her life and basically forced to tell him about it, so she did. They both started spending a lot more time together, they clicked and bam, they're in love. They both know they're gonna marry each other one day, it's honestly the cutest thing ever. Just seeing those two brings immense happiness to my life.

I remember Valerie telling me how on the day of her birthday, Scott got up early and scanned the whole town to find her her favourite blue orchids. She had turned 19 that day, so he wrote down 19 things that he loves about her and gave them to her. You can imagine how beautiful and magical that must've been.

Scott tells me he spoils Valerie with a lot of food, and that she constantly tells him that she'll bloat up if he keeps this up. But his response to that made me die and come back to life. He said that he'd still love her, even if she bloats up or something else happens to her. He'll always love her. Now tell me how many guys have you come across who would say or do this for you?

So you can say I was super excited to be meeting them today. We were going to be meeting up at this diner that me and Valerie both loved. Niall had never been there before, so he was down with the idea of trying out this place.

Soon enough, afternoon rolled in and I was ready to go meet Scott and Val. I was dressed in a reddish pink full sleeved t-shirt, which worked like a sweater, blue jeans and a beanie on my head. Once I had deemed myself warm and presentable enough, I grabbed my phone and purse walked out of my house, only to find Niall walking out of his house.

Once he saw me, he flashed me a smile, coming up to give me a tight hug.

"You look lovely," he smiled and a tinge of pink graced my cheeks.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I grinned at him, taking in his appearance.

He was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark blue jacket over it. He was also wearing his glasses, which was an added bonus, in my opinion. All in all, he looked dashing. When I realised I was blatantly checking him out, I immediately averted my eyes, cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded my head, giving him a huge smile.

"I can't wait to introduce you to them! You're gonna like them a lot." I told him and he simply smiled at me.

"I can't wait to see them too. They seem like a lovely couple." He told me genuinely and I replied with a simple 'they are'.

I had been constantly rubbing my hands as we walked, since I didn't cover them and I was feeling a little cold. Niall seemed to notice this, because the next thing I knew, he had taken my hand in his, entwined them and tucked our now connected hands into his jacket pocket.

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