IV. The Hangout Spot

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A few days ago when Louis decided he'd take me to 'best coffee shop in existence', I wasn't expecting Haley to be working there. The coffee shop was definitely amazing. It had a retro vibe to it. It was a warm and cosy place, the kind I've always liked.

As soon as I saw Haley there, my lips automatically curved into a smile. It was a pleasant surprise to see her there. When she finally noticed me, she gave me a warm smile, slightly shocked to see us there.

Louis had been going on about this guy called Harry, saying he makes the best cupcakes ever and that I have to try them out. Louis was ordering when he came and stood beside Haley.

We made a small talk and he seemed like a nice guy. He was very polite and definitely the best cupcake baker I'd ever come across. Him and Louis were good friends, I could tell. And something told me that if we hung out, we'd get along really well.

After a while, even Alyssa dropped by at the cafe, coming to sit with us as we ate. A few minutes later, Haley had come with Alyssa's order and sat down beside me. We made a small talk before she got a phone call.

Her expression hardened as she saw the person on her caller ID and then excused herself to go and talk. I couldn't help but wonder if it was her boyfriend. That could be a highly likely case. I made a mental note to ask Louis about this. Not that I was jealous, but if he was troubling her then he clearly needs to be given a piece of mind.

She rushed outside and answered the call. She kept pacing around, moving her hands wildly as she talked, more like argued with the person on the other line. Louis was busy eating his cupcakes but Alyssa had her eyes trained outside as well. At one point, even Louis glanced out, his expression changing to worry in a second.

She was visibly getting frustrated as the second passed and then she abruptly hung up. Then instead of coming back in, she walked up to a bench outside and sat down. I started to get up to go to her, but Alyssa stopped me.

"Let me do it, Niall. She wouldn't want to talk to anyone right now. You guys come out in a bit when you're done." She told me. I sighed but nodded anyway.

Alyssa was her best friend. She definitely knew Haley better than anyone else around.

"I know you're concerned as well. But let me handle it." She gave me a small smile and I returned it.

She got up and walked out. Me and Louis watched as she went up to Haley.

"Does Haley have a boyfriend?" I asked Louis, who was taken aback by my question for a second.

"No, she doesn't. And why would you be interested Niall? Do I sense something here?" He smirked at me.

"Before you even go that route, no Louis. I just asked because she was dreading to answer whoever was on the other line and I just assumed it might be her boyfriend." I explained and he nodded, but that silly smirk was still plastered on his face.

After we had finished our meal, we walked to where Haley and Alyssa were. And if Haley was sad at that time, she immediately changed it to a happier one, a small smile replacing her frown.

Louis had expressed his concern towards her and she had politely replied with a smile, saying she was fine. I wasn't buying her response, not even in the slightest. I could see she was lying, clearly.

When I asked her for surety, she gave me the same reply. And when I visibly showed that I wasn't convinced, she reassured me that she was okay. We had walked home together and she had hugged me goodbye.

I was extremely shocked by that gesture. I was not expecting her to do that at all, but she did it. I hugged her back, the smell of her shampoo filling in my senses. I hadn't even realised that I had been craving this for a long time. Hugging a person showed that you care, that your friendship or whatever is the bond that you share, is being solidified.

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